2016年1月18日 星期一

國一(上)文法 25-21 ans

                                 國一()文法                     25-21
一.  英文表達 地方,(存在)…”的句型複習
 1.There is +單名/不可數N.+介片(場所/位置)
 2.There are+複名+介片(場所/位置) <there預備主詞,用來喚起聽者的注意>
**there代名詞(預備主詞).句中的動詞要隨後面的可數/不可數 名詞(真主詞)而定.
例1.    教室的前面有塊大黑板. (V-be)
There is a big blackboard in the..front(0)/front(x)of the classroom.
例2.   教室裡有塊板擦,4枝白板筆,8枝螢光筆,12個學生和許多書及椅子.
There is/are an eraser, four markers, eight highlighters, twelve students
,many books and chairs in..the..classroom. <介片>
例3.   那間餐廳的桌上有些碗,,,叉和筷子.
There are some bowls, dishes, knives, forks, and chopsticks
on the tables in..that..restaurant. <介片>
例4.   飯廳裡的魚缸裡有許多漂亮的魚在游水.
There is(x)/are(0)much(x)/many(0)pretty fishes(x)/fish(0)
 swim(x)/swimming(0)in..the..fish..bowl in..the..dining..room. <介片>
例5.   我家有八口人,傑夫家只有三口.
There are eight peoples(x)/people(0)in my amily, but there are
only three(people)in..Jeffs..family. <介片>
例6.   你杯子裡有很多水嗎?
Are(x)/Is(0)there many(x)/much(0)water in..your..glass? <介片>
例7.   你杯子裡有咖啡嗎?
 Are(x)/Is(0)there any coffee in..your..glass(x)/ ..cup?(0) <介片>
二.  英文表示 …,地方,…”的句型練習
 1.There is+單名/不可數N(真主詞)+Ving(現在分詞=Adj)+介片(場所/位置)
 2.There are+複名(真主詞)+ Ving+介片(場所/位置)
 1. 個老婦人在公園裡蹓她的狗.
 Theres an old woman walk(x)/walking(0)her dog in the park.
 2. 位媽媽和她的女娃在客廳裡唱歌和玩遊戲.
 There is/are a mother and her girl..baby(x)/baby.. girl(0)
 singing and playing games in the living room.
 3. 些老鼠在沙發下面打架?
Are there some mice fight(x)fighting(0)under the sofa?
三.  英文問“地方 ,?”地方,有沒有?”意思一樣,但要注意:
1.  主詞(S.)可數N.,用複數(Pl.).
2.  主詞(S.)不可數N.,用單數.
3.  主詞(S.)疑問詞(who/what),視為單三.

例1. 廚房裡有蘋果(可數N.)? Are there any apples in the kitchen?
是的,有一粒.//一些. Yes, theres a(x)/one.(0)  //  There are some.(apples.)
,沒有. No, there is/are no(x)/not.(0)(any.)
例2. 冰箱裡有蘋果汁(不可數N.)?  Is there any apple juice in the fridge?
是的,有一些.//很多. Yes, there are(x)/is(0)some.//many(x)/much.(0)        
,沒有. No, there arent(x)/isnt.(0)(any.)
例3. 樹上有隻鳥(可數單數)在唱歌嗎?  Is there a bird singing in the tree?
是的,有一隻. Yes, there is a(x)/one.(0)(bird.)            
,有兩隻. No, there are two.(0)(birds.)
例4. 屋頂上有猴子(可數N.)在搗蛋嗎? Are there any monkeys monkeying on the roof?
是的,有一隻.//很多隻. Yes, theres one. // Yes, there are much(x)/many.(0)
,沒有. No, there arent/isnt.(any.)
例5. 你口袋裡有啥?  What(S.=單三)are(x)/is(0)(there)in your pocket?
有些錢. //餅干. Some moneys(x)/money.(0) //cookies.
例6. 雪莉的床底下有啥?  What(S.=單三)are(x)/is(0)under Sherrys bed?
許多蟑螂和垃圾. (There are)Many cockroaches(roaches)and many trash.
例7. 誰在電腦教室裡聊天?  Who(S.=單三)are(x)/is(0)chatting in the computer room?
是哈莉和莎莉. Theyre Harry and Sally./ Harry and Sally are.
是莎拉.Is(x)/It's(0)Sara. / Sara is.
四.  英文表示全部沒有,都可用單數複數.若是不可數N.視為單三.
*** no + 可數N.單數=not a/an + 單名
no + 可數N.多數=not any + 複名
no + 不可數N.=not any + 不可數N
例1. 大象不是動物? Isnt an elephant an animal? (單數全部)
= Arent elephants animals? (多數全部)
例2. 書桌不是餐桌Isnt a desk a table? (單數全部)
= Arent desks tables? (多數全部)
例3. 門後面沒有帽子.(可數N.)
There is no/not..a hat behind the door. (單數沒有)
     There are no/not..any hats behind the door. (多數沒有)
例4. 圖書館裡沒有小孩子. (可數N.)
There is no/not..a child in the library. (單數沒有)
There are no/not..any children in the library. (多數沒有)
例5. 媽咪的杯子裡沒有茶. (不可數N.)
There is no/not..any tea in Mommys cup. (單數沒有)
例6. 妮可的碗裡沒飯. (不可數N.)
There is no/not..any rice in Nicoles bowl. (單數沒有)

