國三(上)文法 <關代4-4.1> 22-22
<續> 九.關係副詞where/when/how/why的用法
1995年是”阿便”出生的那一年.Nineteen ninety-five
is the
year[which/that Ben was born in.<介> ] / [in..<介>that(x)/in..which(0)/when< =in..which=介片=關副>Ben was born. ]
例2.2 你知道龍利到達的時間嗎? Do you know the..time..when/the..time/when Lonely will arrive?
I’m trying to find out the..reason..why/the..reason/why I’m always failing my math.
Some foreigners want to learn about the..way..how/the..way/how we make sky lanterns.
十. 形容詞子句(形子句)通常可以簡化為形容詞片語(Adj.Phr.)
例1.許多年輕人喜歡看羅琳寫的科幻小說. Many youngsters enjoy
reading the
SiFi novels<先>[which/that
are written by Rowling.]<形子句> / [writing(x)/written(0)<P.P.=被動>by Rowling.]<分詞片語=形片>
例2.我記得看過電視現正播放的影片.I remember
movie<先>[which/that is
showing on TV.]<Adj.Cl.>
/ [shown(x)/showing(0)<現分=進行>on TV.]<分詞片語=形片>
例3.你認識那個作弊被逮到的學生嗎? Do you know the student<先>[who/that was caught to..cheat(x)/
cheating(0)] / [catching(x)/caught(0)<P.P.=被動>cheating.]<分詞片語=形片>
**比較: 名詞子句(N.Cl.)也可以簡化為名詞片語(N.Phr.)
我不知道該信賴誰.I have
no idea[who(0)/that(x)I can count on.]< N.Cl.>/
[who(0)/that(x)to count on.]< N.Phr.>
******************** 關代結束
一. used<Vi.>to+原V. = would+原V.,表過去常做…
; be/get used<P.P.>to<介>+N./Ving,表習慣於… ;
be used<
P.P.>to+原V.,表被用於做…; be used< P.P.>as<介>+N.,表被用來當作…用
dad doesn’t smoke now ,but he used to(smoke).
例2.李先生以前常慢跑.(現在沒有) Mr.
Li used
to go
問句:Did Mr. Li use(0)/used(0)to go jogging? 否定:Mr. Li didn’t use(0)/used(0)to go jogging.
簡答:Yes, he did./used..to. No, he didn’t./didn’t..use..to./didn’t..used..to.
例3. 布朗太太已習慣台北的天氣. Mrs. Brown is/gets used to the weather<N.>in Taipei.
例3.1布朗太太已習慣在台北開車. Mrs. Brown is/gets used to driving<Ving>in Taipei.
例4.你的愛珮可以用來打電話嗎? Can your
iPad be used to make a phone call?
例4.1這教室可以用來作為琴房,是嗎? This
classroom can be used as a piano
room,can’t it?
1.加入舞蹈社 to
join the
dance club 2.演講社 public speaking club 3.環保社 go green
4.戲劇社 drama club 5.社區服務社 community club 6.烹飪社
cooking club 7.童軍社
scouting club
8.羽球社 badminton club 9.看場電影see/watch
a movie/film 10.去看電影
go to the movies/films/
pictures 11.喜劇 comedy 12.驚悚片 thriller 13.悲劇 tragedy 14.恐怖片 horror movie
15.科幻片 SiFi
movies/films 16.開發中/已開發的國家
developing/ developed countries
17.養成好的生活/飲食/讀書習慣to develop a good living/
eating/ study
18.沖洗照片 have one’s pictures developed 19.列印照片 get one’s pictures printed
20.領袖 leader 21.班長 class leader 22.失去平衡而跌下來to lose one’s balance and fall off
23.在社團參與和學業間取得平衡 find a balance
between club
participation and
academic work
24.均衡的飲食a balanced diet
25.均衡你的飲食to balance
your diet 26.彩色人生 a colorful
27.均衡讀書與遊戲to balance study and play 28.彩色電視a colorful(x)/color(0)TV
29.造句<動片>to make a sentence 29.1造句<名片>sentence making 30.有期徒刑a life sentence
31.死刑a death
32.兩枝粉筆 two pieces of chalk 33.兩份報紙 two copies
of newspaper 34.水餃dumpling 35.煎餃 fried dumpling 36.健康重於財富. Health is better than wealth.
37.粽子 rice dumpling 38.將A貼到B上 to paste A to B 39.蕃茄糊(佩司) tomato
paste 40.蕃茄醬 ketchup 41.用膠水把A和B黏在一起 to glue A to B 42.被黏起來
be glued together
43.頭條新聞 head-line news 44.突發新聞(號外)breaking news 45.最新消息 the newest(x)/latest(0)news
46.沸水 bowling water 47.已煮開的水 bowled water 48.烘焙 to bake 49.麵包師傅
baker 50.麵包店
bakery 51.烤(在網架上) to grill 52.烤(直接在火上) to
53.煎,炸,炒 fry 54.翻炒 stir-fry 55.發粉 baking powder 56.小蘇打粉 baking soda 57.醋 vinegar 58.辣椒 chili 59.胡椒 pepper 60.醬油 soy sauce 61.會員 member 62.會員卡membership card
63.扮演重要的角色 to play a..big/an..important part/role 64.別煩我! Leave me alone!
65.冷靜下來 to calm down 66.對…瘋狂 be crazy about 67.至少;起碼 at least 68.最多
at most
69.二選一 to choose between 70.三(或以上)選一 to choose from 71.在舞會上
at the dance
72.嬴得友誼 to win friends/friendship
73.上鋼琴課 have/take a piano class/lesson
74. far/much/even/still/a..lot/any(否/問)+形容詞比較級 74.1the..very/much..the+形容詞最高級
75.看起來比實際年輕 look younger for one’s age 76.聚焦在課業上to
focus on
academic work
77.附贈CD的書賣的最好. The books with CD’s sold<Vi.>the best.
78.減輕你課業的壓力 to relieve your academic
79.放鬆身心 to relax one’s soul and body
80.最輕鬆的方式 the most relaxing way
81.校外的社團 clubs outside
the school
82.所有空閒時間都用於戶外活動 to devote all the free time to outdoor activities
83.朋友去哪兒,我就去哪兒.I go wherever my friends go. 84.與他人互動
to interact with
85.那要看值不值得了.It depends on whether it’s worth<介>it. 86.文法的錯誤 grammar mistake
87.老爹會付所需的費用.Dad will pay any fee<先>[that..is..needed. ]<形子句> / [needed]<P.P.=O.C.>
88.個人(的) individual<N./形> 89.入場費 admission(fee)
90.我不能容忍錯誤.I have low error tolerance 91.排行掉落至36名 to drop to 36th place on the ranking 92.運作/發射 to launch 93.百萬富翁 millionaire 94.億萬富翁 billionaire 95.兆 trillion
96.要是她認為我很無聊怎麼辦? What(should I do)
if she
thinks I’m boring?
97.你好像知道整件事的來龍去脈. It seems that you know the whole story.
98.為了滿足你的需求,我們會全力以赴. To< =In order to>meet your needs, we will do/try our best.
100.這就是我們期待已久的快樂結局. It’s just the happy ending(which/that)we’ve long expected.