2016年1月15日 星期五

國一(上)文法 25-18 ans

                                  國一()文法                25-18
一.  時間問答句型
: 現在幾點? What time is it now/,please?  = What time do you have?
    = Whats the time? = Do you have a..watch?/the..time?
: 現在下午七點整.Its 7:00 p.m./P.M. 
= Its seven oclock p.m./P.M.  =  7:00 p.m./P.M.
: 你的錶幾點了? What time is it by your watch?
: 我的錶810.Its eight..ten/ eight-ten by my watch.
二.  報時的方式(美式英式相同相異)
1.美式報時: 先時後分,中間無介系詞(電子鐘錶所顯示)
   比較: 3:13 three thirteen(0)/three-thirteen(0)        
4:45 four forty-five(0)/four-forty-five(x)
   比較: 2:20 twenty(<30)past/after two()
         1:40 forty(>30)past/after one()(x)
              Twenty(60-40)to/before one(x)/two(0) < 20分鐘,2>
    整點用oclock(of the clock); 半小時(30)half[hæf];
一刻鐘(15)a quarter[`kwɔtɚ]
  1: 現在是早上九點整.(9:00 A.M.)
       美式:Its nine oclock a.m./A.M./in..the..morning.
       英式:Its nine oclock a.m./A.M./in..the..morning.
  2: 現在是下午五點十五分.(5:15 P.M.)
       美式:Its five fifteen/five-fifteen p.m./P.M./in..the..afternoon.
       英式:Its fifteen past/after five P.M./in..the..afternoon.
       英美通用:Its a quarter past/after five p.m./P.M.
  3: 現在是晚上八點半.(8:30 P.M.)
       美式:Its eight..thirty/eight-thirty p.m./in..the..evening.
       英式:Its thirty past/after eight p.m./in..the..evening.
       英美通用:Its half past/after eight P.M./in..the..evening.
   4: 現在是夜裡1145.(11:45 P.M.)
        美式:Its eleven forty-five P.M./at..night./in..the..night.
        英式:Its fifteen(60-45)to/before eleven(x)/twelve(0)P.M.
        英美通用:Its a quarter to twelve P.M./in..the..night.
三.  下列時間分別用美式英式作答
1: 現在是早上433.
     美式:Its four thirty-three a.m./A.M./in..the..morning.
     英式:Its twenty-seven(60-33)to four(x)/five(4+1)(0)A.M.
2: 現在是晚上1048.
     美式:Its ten forty-eight p.m./P.M.
     英式:Its twelve (60-48)to ten(x)/eleven(10+1)(0)P.M.
3: 現在是158.
     美式:Its one fifty-eight.
     英式:Its two(60-58)to one(x)/two.(1+1)(0)
4: 現在是257.
     美式:Its two fifty-seven.
     英式:Its three(60-57)to two(x)/three.(2+1)(0)
5: 現在是44.
     美式:Its four o/oh four.   =   Its four-o-four.
     英式:Its four past/after four.
6: 現在是1259.
     美式:Its twelve fifty-nine.
     英式:Its one(60-59)to twelve(x)/one.(0+1;12+1)(0)
四.  比較下列句中,時間表示方式,有無需用介系詞的差異
1: 現在是早上5點半.Its ­­at half past five a.m.
1.1: 我早上5點半起來.I get up five-thirty a.m.(x)
                         I get up at five-thirty a.m.(0)
2: 現在是傍晚725.Its ­­at seven twenty-five p.m.
2.1: 我們在晚上640分吃晚餐.We eat/have dinner at 6:40 P.M.
3: 他在晚上910分寫數學習作.He writes his math homework at 9:10 p.m.
4:你在下午525分做功課? Do you do your homework at 5:25 p.m.?
5:我們的國語課在早上810.Our Chinese class is at 8:10 A.M.
五.  time表示“該是做的時候了的句型如下:
(Its) time to+V. 或  (Its) time for()+ N./Ving(動名詞)                                                                                                            1: 該上學了.(Its)time to..go..to..school./for..school.
2: 該就寢了.(Its)time to..go..to..bed./for..bed.
3: 該上課了. (Its)time to..go..to..class./for..class.
4: 該吃點心/午餐了.(Its)time to..eat/have snacks./lunch.
                     =(Its)time for snacks./lunch.
5: 遊戲時間到了.(Its)time to..play..games./to..have..fun.
                  =(Its)time for..playing..games./for..having..fun.
                  =(Its)time for games./fun.
  1.那些工人正在吃午餐.Those workers are having the lunch.
1.1:那個郵差正在吃餐盒.That mail carriers eating the/his lunch box.
2:我阿公經常吃很早的早餐.My grandpa often has an early breakfast.

3:凱文的媽煮了頓美味的晚餐.Kevins mom cooks a delicious dinner.

