2016年1月22日 星期五

國三(上)文法 22-9 ans

                                國三()文法                   22-9
被動語態(Passive Voice= P.V.) <3-2>
.不同時式的主動語態<A.V.>被動語態<P.V.>   <3-1>
10. 未來進行式<S.+ will+ be+ Ving進行>
The two teams will<未來式>be<V.>playing<現分=進行>the game again at the                same time next week. <A.V.> èThe game will<語助V.>be<V.>being<現分=進行>
played<p.p.=被動>again by the two teams at the same time next week. (x)
** be,being,been任二者不能連用,所以現在/過去/未來完成進行式,不能A.V.P.V.
** 未來進行式句中,A.V.P.V.,bebeing會同時出現,所以不能由A.V.P.V..
.句中有語助V.(can,may,will,must,should …),A.V. è P.V.
 1.學生不看太多電視. Students shouldnt<語助V.>watch too much TV.   <A.V.>
 è Too much TV shouldnt<語助V.>be watched<p.p.=被動>by students.   <P.V.>
 2.史密斯博士說五種不同的語言. Dr. Smith can<語助V.>speak five different       languages.  è Five different languages can be spoken<p.p.=被動>by Dr. Smith.
3.那小孩子一定要吃那麼多的維他命嗎?  Must<語助V.>that kid take so much(x)/ many(0)vitamins?  è Must<語助V.>so many vitamins be taken<p.p.=被動>by that kid?          4.他們可能會在婚宴上遇見那位大廚神.They may<語助V.>meet the chef at the wedding       party.  è The chef may<語助V.>be met<p.p.=被動>by them at the wedding party.
.句中有感官V.(see,watch,hear,listen …),A.V.è P.V.<句中的感官V.變性p.p.>
 1.看過泰德洗他的臭鞋子.I saw<感官V.>Ted wash<原不定=O.C.>(0)/ washing(x)his     stinky sneakers.   è Ted was<V.=P.T.>seen<p.p.=被動>wash(x)/washing(x)/
to..wash<to V.=不定詞=S.C.>(0)his stinky sneakers by me.
   比較: 看見泰利在洗他的髒衣服.I saw<感官V.>Terry wash<原不定=O.C.>(x)/washing(0)
his dirty clothes.   è Terry was<V.=P.T.>seen<p.p.=被動>wash(x)/washing(0)/
to..wash<to V.=不定詞=S.C.>(x)his dirty clothes by me.
 2.我們聽過茱莉唱日本歌.We heard<感官V.>Julie sing<原不定=O.C.>(0) /singing(x)
Japanese songs.  è Julie was<V.=P.T.>heard<p.p.=被動>sing(x)/ singing(x)/
to..sing<to V.=不定詞=S.C.>(0)Japanese songs by us.
  比較: 我們聽到茱蒂在和別人吵架.We heard<感官V.>Judy fight<原不定=O.C.>(x)/ fighting(0)with others.  è Judy was<V.=P.T.>heard<p.p.=被動>fight(x)/fighting(0)/
to..fight<to V.=不定詞=S.C.>(x)with others by us.
. 句中有使役V.(make,have,help),A.V. è P.V. <句中的使役V.變性p.p.>
 1.老爸老媽戒菸.(make/P.T.) Dad made<使役V.>Mom quit<原不定=O.C.>smoking. è
Mom was<V.>made<p.p.=被動>quit(x)/to..quit<to V.=不定詞=S.C.>smoking(0)by Dad.
 2.張爸他女兒拖廚房地板. (have/Pr.T.) Uncle Chang has<使役V.>his daughter
to..mop(x)/ mop<原不定=O.C.>(0)the kitchen floor.  è Uncle Changs daughter
is<V.=Pr.T.>had(x)/ made<p.p.=被動=>(0)mop(x)/ to..mop(0)<to V.=不定詞=S.C.>
the kitchen floor by him.
 3. Sherry雪莉做家事. Sherry didnt help<使役V./一般V.>Shirley do<原不定=O.C.>/
to..do<to V.=不定詞=O.C.>the housework.  èShirley wasnt <V.>helped<p.p.=被動>
do<原不定=S.C.>(x)/ to..do<to V.=不定詞=S.C.>the housework by Sherry.
*** 以上感官V./使役V.P.V.句中,變性為p.p.<>之後,不再有 動詞詞性.
. 句中有與格動詞+ ..; ..to/for..,A.V. è P.V.
 1.與格V.受詞中,無論<間受>/<直受>,都可以做P.V.主詞,teach()/ buy()/
tell(告訴)/ pay(付錢)/ lend(借出)/ borrow(借入)/ send(寄送)/ give()…
1.菲利浦我們英文.Philip teaches<V.=Pr.T.>us<=O.=間受>English. <=O.=直受>
  èWe<=S.>are<V.>taught<p.p.=被動>English by Philip.
Philip teaches<V.=Pr.T.>English<=O.=直受>to<>us.<=O.=間受>
èEnglish<=S.>is<V.>taught<p.p.=被動>to<>us<=O.>by Philip.
2.莎莉了台二手電腦給她弟弟.Sally bought a second-hand computer<=O.=直受>for            her brother. <=O.=間受>   èA second-hand computer<=S.>was<V.>
                              bought<p.p.=被動>for<>Sallys brother by her.
Sally bought her brother<=O.=間受> a second-hand computer. <=O.=直受
èSallys brother was<V.>bought<p.p.=被動> a second-hand computer by her.
 2.與格V.受詞中,限用<直受>,才可以做 P.V.主詞,write()/ carry(攜帶)/
pass(通過)/ sell()/ sing()/ do() …
.了封電子郵件給海倫.I wrote<與格V.>an e-mail<=O.=直受>to Helen.<=O.=間受>
èAn e-mail<=S.>was<V.>written<p.p.=被動>to<>Helen by me. (0)
I wrote<與格V.>Helen<=O.=間受>an e-mail. <=O.=直受>
èHelen<=S.>was<V.>written<p.p.=被動>an e-mail by me. (x)
 3.與格V.受詞中,限用<間受>,才可以做 P.V.主詞,answer(回答)/deny(否認)/
. A.V.句中有不及V.(Vi.)+ (prep.)+ 受詞(O.),A.V. è P.V.,句中的prep.保留
1.詹姆士有空時,收音機. James often listens<Vi.>to<>the radio in his free        time.  èThe radio is<V.>often listened<p.p.=被動>to<>by James when hes free.
2.阿嬤仔細地瞧著那些老照片.Grandma looked<V.>carefully at<>the old pictures.
èThe old pictures were<V.>carefully looked<p.p.=被動>at<>by Grandma.
3.李大哥正好好地照顧他的女娃娃.Brother Lis taking good care of his baby girl.
èBrother Lis baby girl is<V.>being<現分=進行>taken<p.p.=被動>good care(x)/

care..of<>(0)by him.

