2016年1月16日 星期六

國二(上)文法 25-19 ans

                               國二()片語與翻譯                      25-19
1.  今晚誰要去看牙醫Who(疑代=S.)will see a/the dentist this evening?
1.1 週末你要和誰去逛街? 和克拉克/(). With Clark. /him.
 Who(疑代=O.)are you(S.)going window shopping with()this weekend?
2.接下來會發生什麼事呢What(疑代=S.)will happen next()?
2.1他們在晚宴上要做啥? 誰知道? Who(疑代=S.)knows?
 What(疑代=O.)are they going to do(V.)at the dinner party?
3.你要去哪兒? Where will you go to?      他要怎麼去? How will he go to?
我們何時要去? When will we go to?      他們為何要去? Why will they go to?
4.幾秒鐘之後 (用於未來式) in a few seconds
在兩三分鐘之後in two or three minutes
4.1兩週之後(用於未來式/過去式) after two weeks = two weeks later
5.第二天(用於過去式) the next day  ;翌日(用於未來式) next day
6.她穿那件粉紅色的洋裝很好看. She looks good in that pink dress.  è
                              That pink dress looks good on her.
6.1安娜穿制服去上學. Anna wore the school uniform to school.  è
                      Anna went to school in the school uniform.
7.台灣的地圖 a map of Taiwan
8.確定./不確定. Im sure. /not..sure.   9.我買了.Ill take it.
10.或許稍後吧. Maybe later.      11.你要多大的尺寸? What size do you want?
12.為阿嬤唱首歌 sing a song to/for Grandma è sing Grandma a song
13.耳環 earring(s) ;戒指 ring ;金戒指 gold ring ;長統靴 boot(s) ;領帶tie=necktie       長襪 stocking(s) ;項鍊 necklace(s) ;鞋帶 shoelace(s) ;背心 vest ;背包 backpack
 高跟鞋 high heel(s) ;垮褲 baggy pants ;涼鞋 sandal(s) ;室內拖鞋 slipper(s)
圍巾scarf è scarfs = scarves(pl.)
14.表演魔術 have/perform a magic show
15./是的. I think /guess so.
   /不是的. I think /guess not.  è  I dont think /guess so.
16.待會兒見. See you later.  ;到時候見. See you then.
17.檢查一下待辦事項. Check the to-do list.
18.請接電話/應門. Please answer the phone./ door.
 Ninas tired of(her)..calling..Nick./ Nicks..calling..her.
 Vicks sad about Marias didnt..date(x)/not..dating(0)with him.
 Theyre(x)/ Their(0)bulling the child is really boring./ cruel.
22.今天的菜單上有啥新鮮的呢? Whats new on the menu today?
22.1菜單上有啥特別的嗎? Is there anything(=S.)special()on the menu?
 è Are there any specials(N.pl.=S.)on the menu?
23.你要點餐了嗎? Are you ready to order(V.)? 
è May I take(V.)/have(V.)your order(N.)?
24.以字母順序來排列 in alphabetical order(N.)
25.義大利麵 pasta ; 通心粉 spaghetti
26.牛排的烹飪熟度: 全熟 well-done ; 七分熟 medium-well ;
    五分熟 medium ; 三分熟 medium-rare ; 一分熟 rare
27.鮪魚 tuna ; 小蝦 shrimp ; 蔬菜堡 veggie burger ;
    明蝦 prawn ; 臘腸 sausage ; 培根 bacon
28.胡蘿蔔 carrot ; 洋蔥 onion ; 芹菜 celery ; 大蒜 garlic ; 咖哩 curry
    洋菇 mushroom ;青椒 green pepper  ; 花生醬 peanut butter
29.果醬 jam ; 蕃茄醬 ketchup ; 蕃茄糊 tomato paste
30.全脂牛奶 whole milk ; 低脂牛奶 low fat milk ; 脫脂牛奶 none fat milk
31.我很飽 Im(so)full.   32.今天不吃肉 no meat today
33.笑一個(拍照時). Say cheese.   34.在一所大學附近 near a university
35.一大盒炸雞外帶/內用 a large box of fried chicken to..go/ for..here
36.在我家舉辦帶餐(百樂餐)派對 have a potluck party at my house
37.超值餐 a value meal   38.餐巾 napkin    39.吸管 straw
40.服侍賓客 serve the guest(s)/ customer(s)
41.彼此分享美食 to share the delicious food with each other
42.從座位起身 to rise from ones seat
43.那間餐廳從上午九點開門,晚上十點打烊. That restaurant is open()
   from 9:00 A.M. and closed()at 10:00 P.M.
44.他們打算自己開一間速食店. They plan(V.)to..open(不定詞)a fast food
    restaurant by..themselves./ on..their..own.
45.自己的機車 a..motorcycle..of..ones..own = ones..own..motorcycle
46.口味 flavor(s) ; 香草口味 vanilla ; 草莓口味 strawberry
47.我們快要沒水了. We are running out of water.
   è  Our water is running out of.
49.我的筆記本快用完了. Im running out of notebooks.

   è  My notebooks are running out of.

