2015年8月21日 星期五

國二(上)文法 25-6 ans

                           國二()文法                25-6
一.  family(家人/家庭)集合名詞家人,視為pl.;家庭,視為單數
  1.你的家人好嗎?  How is(0)/are(x)your family?
       都很好. Theyre/Were all fine./well.
 2.詹姆士的家人都很健康. James family is/are healthy.  à
  The James family is/are healthy.  à  The Jameses is(x)/are(0) healthy.
  3.詹姆士家的車庫很大. James family garage is large.   à
   The James familys garage is large.  à  The Jameses garage is large.
  4.瓊斯先生有個小家庭. Mr. Jones has/owns(v.=單三)a small family.
  5.丹尼斯的小家庭. Dennis family is a small family.(x)/one.()(0)
  6.我們來自不同的家庭. We are/come from different families.
二.  先生,太太夫婦的區別
  1.威爾遜夫婦是周太太的鄰居.Mr. and Mrs. Willson are Mrs. Chous neighbors.
2.先生和李太太夫妻. Mr. Li and Mrs. Li are husband and wife.
  3.李氏夫婦的小孩是我同學. Mr. and Mrs. Lis child is my classmate.
    Is(x)/Are(0)Mr. Lins and Mrs. Lins child(x)children(0)your classmates?
    他們並非都是. They are..not.(x)/ are..not..both.(0) are..both..not.(0)
三.  visit + ,表示拜訪; visit + 地方,表示參觀
    Didnt Judy go..to/visit Taipei Art Museum last Thursday?
    是的,有去. Yes, she was.(x)/ went.(x)/ does.(x) /did.(0)
 Did you visit your grandparents in the country in summer vacation?
四.  警察警方的區別
  classmates was a policeman./policewoman./police..officer.
2.那些男女警察正忙著監視那間公寓. The/Those policemen and policewomen
 are busy watch(x)/watching(0)that apartment.
   The police is(x)/are(0)searching/looking for the thief./thieves.(pl.)
五.  practice(練習)不可數N.;也是V.,後面+ 名詞(N.)/動名詞(Ving)受詞(O.)
   Melody needs more()..practice(N.)/ to..practice(V.)..more.(O.)
   Maria often practices(V.)Mandarin.(N.=O.)/ speaking(動名=O.)..Mandarin.
   Andys practicing(V.)the..guitar.(N.=O.)/to..play(x)/playing(0)the..violin.
六.  劃線提示,造原問句
1.We are in different classes.  Who is(x)/are(0)in different classes?
2.Ms.Smith arrived in Taipei at 3:30 A.M.
Where(疑副)did Ms. Smith arrive in at 3:30 A.M.?
When(疑副) did Ms. Smith arrive at in Taipei?
3. Nina weighed 65kg last semester. How much did Nina weigh last semester?
                                   When did Nina weigh 65 kg?
4.My neighbors are foreigners. Who is a foreigner?
5.I sometimes have dinner with Anut Wu. Who sometimes has dinner with Anut Wu?
                      Whom()/Who()do you sometimes have dinner with? ()
5.1 Kelly went to Grandmas (house)after school.
 Who(x)/Where(0)did Kelly go to after school?
6.Gina preferred(偏愛)pomelos .(柚子=pl.)
 What(kind..of)fruit did Gina prefer?
7.We met Ms.Huang at the market.
 Who met Ms. Huang at the market?
 Who did you meet at the market?
8.Aunty Sus a pianist.
 Who(x)/What(0)is..Aunty..Su? /is..Aunty..Sus..job?/does..Aunty..Su..do?
9.My family had five people two years ago.
 How many people did your family have two years ago?
 How many years ago did your family have five people?
10.Dick ate five pounds of beef.
 How many pounds of beef did Dick eat?
 How much(of)beef did Dick eat?
 What did Dick eat five pounds of?
à Of what did Dick eat five pounds?
11.We were with Peggy then. Who were(x)/was(0)with Peggy then?
Who()were you with then?   à   With()who(x)whom(0)were you then?
 Where were you then?
12.Karen wrote me an e-mail. Who wrote you an e-mail?
 Who()did Karen write an e-mail(to)?
 à To()who(x)/whom(0)did Karen write an e-mail?
 What did Karen write(to)you?
13.We started Unit 3.
 How..many..units(x)/What..unit(0)did you start?
14.We studied three lessons last month.
 How many lessons did you study last month?
15.Luke showed his pictures to us.
 What()did Luke show(to)you?
 Who()did Luke show his pictures(to)?
à To() who(x)/whom(0) did Luke show his pictures?
16.I have to learn the guitar. Who have(x)/has(0)to learn the guitar?
 What()do you have to do(V.)?

 What()do you have to learn(V.)?

