2015年8月21日 星期五

國三(上)文法 22-6 ans

                                    國三()文法                     22-6
一.  情緒動詞用法
的意思,用於修飾/(sth.)to()連用. 2.p.p.(過去分詞屬於)被動/完成的意思,
 ** 情緒V.過去式p.p.同形,都是在字尾+ed.
** boreinterest現分,亦可用於修飾(sb.)
 1.大衛是個有趣的演說者. David is an interested(x)/ interesting(0)speaker.
I<主人>was interesting(x)/ interested(0)to(x)/ in(0)Davids speech.
 2.1大衛的演說使我有興趣.(P.T.) Davids speech<主物>interested<V.=P.T.>me.
è Davids speech<主物>was<Lk.V.=P.T.>interesting<現分=主動>in(x)/to(0)me.
 3.傑克是個無聊的人.(現在式) Jack is a bored(x)/ boring<現分=主動>(0)person.
3.1傑克覺得很無聊.(現在式) Jack is/felt<Lk.V.>boring(x)/ bored. <過分=被動>(0)
 3.2傑克覺得我的笑話很無聊.(P.T.) Jack felt<Lk.V.>boring(x)/bored(0)with my joke.
 3.3我的笑話讓傑克覺得很無聊.(P.T.) My joke<主物>bored<V.=P.T.>Jack.
    è My joke<主物>was<Lk.V.=P.T.>boring<現分=主動>with(x)/to(0)Jack.
 4.上網咖令漢克覺得很刺激.(未來式) To..go/ Going<主物>to the Net café will<語助V.>
  excite<V.=V.>Hank.          èTo..go/ Going<主物>to the Net café will be
  exciting<現分=主動>to Hank.      è Hank<主人>will be excited<過分=被動>
about<>to..go(x)/going(0)to the Net café.
 5.老媽對我的數學一直很不滿.(完成式) Mom<主人>has never been/felt<過分=完成>
satisfied<過分=被動>with my math.      è My math<主物>has never satisfied
<過分=完成>Mom.  è My math has never been satisfying<現分=主動>to Mom.
 6.我們對那場車禍覺得很驚訝.(P.T.) We<主人>were<Lk.V.=P.T.>surprised<過分=被動>at
  the car accident.      è That car accident<主物>surprised<V.=P.T.>us.
                         è That car accident<主物>was surprising<現分=主動>to us.
 6.1.我們看到那場火災都很驚訝.(現在式)We are surprised to see that fire.
 7.老媽厭煩拖地板.(現在式) Moms tired to..mop(x)/ of..mopping(0)the floor.
 7.1聽到那個消息,我們鬆了一口氣.(P.T.) We felt/ were<Lk.V.=P.T.>relaxed<過分=被動>
                                          to..hear(x)/about..hearing(0)the news.
 7.2對做紙花有興趣?(現在式) Are you<主人>interested<過分=被動>to..make(x)/
                                                           in..making(0)paper flowers?
 8.老爸很擔心你的健康.(現在式)Your health worries<V.>Dad.  è Your health is worrying
                     <現分=主動>to Dad.   è Dad is worried about your health.
二.  that(conj.)+S.+V.,形成的子句,具有名詞的性質,所以整句可以做主詞(S.)/受詞(O.),故稱為名詞子句(N.Cl.)間接句. 1.that子句的主詞,若是動詞,只能變性為Ving(動名詞),不能用        to V.(不定詞)  2.that子句做受詞,that通常省略  3.that子句做主詞/主詞補語(S.C.)/
 4.主要子句(main..clause/主句)過去式,that子句(名詞子句/從屬子句) 通常也用過去式.
  1.艾薇說:「我要去看電影了. (注意標點符號的用法)
   Ivy said, Im going to the movies.  è Im going to the movies, said Ivy.
   è Ivy said (that) she was going to the movies.
  2.布萊得說:「我得趕班機了.Brad said, I have to catch the flight.
è I have to catch the flight, said Brad.
è Brad said (that) he had to catch the flight.
  1.喬說他的新公寓很大. Joe said (that) his new apartment is very big.
  2.氣象報告說明天會下雨.The weather report said (that) its going to rain tomorrow.
 6.that+S.+V.,V.不及V.+受詞,that 通常省略.
  1.你知道丹已經去醫院了嗎? Do you know <V.>(that)<>Dans gone to the hospital?
  2.我聽到有人在大聲地唱歌. I heard<V.>(that)<>someone<S.>was<V.>singing loudly.
       è I heard<V.>someone<O.>sing<原不定=O.C.>/singing<現分=進行= O.C.>loudly.
3.相信/認為湯米會好好照料自己嗎? Do you believe/ think<V.>(that)<>Tommy
                                      will take good care of himself? / his..own?
4.雪莉告訴我們,她沒有和狄哥約會.Shirley told us (that) she didnt date<V.>..(with) /
have..a..date<N.>..with Dick.
5.我們剛發現他不必住院了. Weve just found out<>(that)he wont have to
stay in the hospital.
1.潔西同意她媽媽說的,開車比較安全的多.Jessie agrees<Vi.>with<>her mom<O.>
                                      that<>driving a car would be much safer.
2.我們從網路上得知那家博物館星期一休息. We learned<Vi.>from<>the Net that<>
the museum doesnt open on Mondays.
 8.think/ believe/ guess+ 否定that子句(N.Cl.),that子句否定(dont/cant/
                                                   didnt/ couldnt …)要移到主要子句.
 1.不認為你必須馬上離開. I dont think (that) you have to leave right away.
 2.老媽不相信我跟她說實話. Mom didnt believe (that) I told her the truth.
 3.比爾這次不會準時. I dont guess (that) Bill will be on time this time.
 4.不認為扮成小丑很可愛. I dont think/ believe (that)to..dress(x)/ dressing(0)

up as a clown is funny.

