2015年8月1日 星期六

國三(上)文法 22-4 ans

                                    國三()文法                      22-4
. 主要子句(主句),V-be附加問句<>
18.去攀岩很累人,不會嗎? To..go<+>rock climbing is tiring, isnt it?
19.那男娃不是在睡覺,是嗎? That baby boy isnt<->sleeping, is he?
20.你們排球教練很壯,不是嗎? Your volleyball coach is<+>strong, isnt it?
21.考好數學對我來講不容易,有嗎? To..do/ Doing well on math tests isnt <->             easy for me, is it?
22.傑夫的電腦沒問題,有嗎? There isnt<->anything wrong with Jeffs               computer, is there?                                                     
23.蔣爸的小孩都很吵,不對嗎? Uncle Chiangs children were<+>noisy, werent they?
24.丹尼斯的右腳踝沒問題,有嗎? Theres nothing<->wrong with Dennis                 right ankle, is there?
25.莉莉的短褲太短了,不會嗎? Lilys shorts are<+>too short, arent they?
26.肯尼很少早到,是嗎? Kennys seldom<->early, is he?
27.小胖不曾瘦過,對嗎? Fattys never<->thin, is he? / she?
28.你的眼睛有點問題,沒有嗎? Theres something<+>wrong with your eyes, isnt there?
29.甘蒂和仙蒂上課都不會早到,是嗎? Candy and Cindy were never<->early to             class, were they?
30.這不是我的照片,是嗎? This wasnt<->my picture, was it?
31.那不是蓓蒂遺失的小狗,是嗎? That isnt<->Bettys missing dog, is it?
 1.劉太太都不煮晚餐的,是嗎? Mrs. Liu didnt<->cook dinner at all, did she?
2.吉娜沒有吉他,有嗎? Gina has no<->guitar has(x)/hasnt(x)/does(0)she?
 3.維克有把小提琴,沒有嗎?Vick had<+>a violin, hadnt(x)/had(x)/didnt(0)he?
 4.菠莉現在沒錢,有嗎? Polly has no<->money, has(x)/hasnt(x)/does(0)she?
 5.路易和路易士一起吃牛排,不是嗎? Louie and Louis had<+>steak together
 6.來賓在桃莉的婚宴上玩的很開心,不是嗎? The guests had<+>a good time
at Dollys wedding party, hadnt(x)had(x)/didnt(0)they?
 7.我們上禮拜在動物園一點兒都不好玩,是嗎? We had no<->fun at the zoo
                                         last week, had(x)/didnt(x)/did(0)we?
 8.克拉克在高雄的朋友很少,是嗎? Clark has a..few(x)/few(0)<->friends
                                  in Kaohsiung, has(x)/doesnt(x)/does(0)he?
 9.我媽以前喝很少的紅酒,對嗎? My mom had a..little(x)/little(0)<->red wine          before, had(x)/didnt(x)/did(0)she?
 10.瑪姬洗的碗盤,不是嗎? Maggie did<+>the dishes, didnt she?
 11.強尼很少讀書,是嗎? Jonny did little<->reading, didnt(x)/did(0)he?
12.林家經常打掃公園,沒有嗎? The Lin family often cleans<+>the park, doesnt it?
13.李家人假日喜歡去山上健行,不是嗎? The Lis enjoy<+>going hiking
in the mountains on holidays, doesnt..it? (x)/ dont..they? (0)
14.蒂娜看了許多漫畫書,沒有嗎? Tina read<+/P.T.>many comic books, didnt she?
15.吳阿伯重傷了自己左腳了,不是嗎? Uncle Wu hurt<+/P.T.>his own left foot
                                                    badly, doesnt(x)/didnt(0)he?
16.阿公常牙痛,不是嗎? Grandpa often has a toothache, hasnt(x)/doesnt(0)he?
17.那顆籃球打到傑的頭了,沒有嗎? That basketball hit<+/P.T.>Jays head
18.南茜沒留長髮,有嗎? Nancy doesnt<->wear long hair, does she?
19.我們的鄰居很容易動怒,不是嗎? Our neighbors got<+>angry easily, didnt they?
20.琳達必需上補習班,不是嗎? Linda has<+>to go to cram school
21.莉莎很少做運動,是嗎? Lisa seldom<->takes exercise, doesnt(x)/does(0)she?
22.菲力普很少看電視,是嗎? Philip seldom<->watches TV, doesnt(x)/does(0)he?
23.傑夫的數學快不及格了,是嗎? Jeff hardly<->passes the math exam
24.茱蒂很少公開唱歌,是嗎? Judy scarcely<->sang in public, didnt(x)/did(0)she?
25.那些年青人看起來很驕傲,不是嗎? Those young people look<+>proud, dont they?
26.泰利的腳好臭,不是嗎? Terrys feet smelled/smelt<+/P.T.>,did(x)/didnt(0)they?
27.這西瓜吃起來不甜,對嗎? This watermelon didnt<->taste sweet, did it?
28.強媽冷漠的看著她老公,沒有嗎? Johnnys mom looked<+>cold(x)/coldly(0)
at her husband, doesnt(x)/did(x)/didnt(0)she?
29.強爸看起來一點也不冷漠,是嗎? Johnnys dad didnt<->look
 coldly(x)/cold(0)at all, does(x)/didnt(x)/did(0)he?
30.茱莉除了吃什麼都不做,是嗎? Julie does nothing<->but eat, doesnt(x)/does(0)she?
31.你們上回去參觀北美館,不是嗎? You visited<+>Taipei Art Museum
last time, did(x)/didnt(0)you?
32.你沒看見你頭髮上有啥,有嗎? You saw nothing<->in your hair, didnt(x)/did(0)you?
33.艾力克今天必須完成他的報告,不必嗎? Eric has<+>to finish his report today
34.聽起來很令人吃驚,不是嗎? Sounds<+>amazed(x)/ amazing(0),is..it? (x)/
                                         didnt..it? (x) isnt..it? (x)/ doesnt..it? (0)
35.颱風直撲台灣而來,不是嗎? The typhoon came<+>directly to Taiwan, didnt it?
36.你們買了些泡麵來過颱風夜,沒有嗎? You bought<+>some instant noodles
for the typhoon night, did(x)/didnt(0)you?
37.這道題我沒答錯,有嗎? I didnt<->give a wrong answer to this question
38.警方對這件車禍絲毫不解,是嗎? The police knew nothing<->about the car
accident ,didnt..she? (x) didnt..they? (x)/ didnt..they? (x)/did..they? (0)
39.老爸把冷氣關掉的,不是嗎? Dad turned<+>off the airconditioner, didnt he?
40.寇克把火撲滅了,沒有嗎? Kirk put<+/P.T.>out the fire, did(x)/didnt(0)he?
41.山姆喜歡香蕉甚於芭樂,不是嗎? Sam preferred<+>bananas to guavas, didnt he?
38.上週沒有人去玩風帆,有嗎? No<->one went sailing last week, did it?(x)/they? (0)
38.昨夜啥事都沒發生,有嗎? Nothing<->happened last night, did they? (x)/it? (0)
38.凱特帶自製蛋糕到學校,不是嗎? Kate brought<+>her homemade cake to school
39.當林家在鄉下度假時,凱莉不常去釣魚,是嗎? When the Lins spend<+>their
holidays in the country, Kelly doesnt<->often go fishing,

do..they? (x) dont..they? (x)/ doesnt..she (x)/does..she? (0)

