2015年10月9日 星期五

國一(上)文法 25-12 ans

                            國一()文法                25-12
1.  置於名詞/代名詞後面, 向前修飾稱為後位修飾屬於adj.的用法.
2.  置於動詞後面,向前修飾稱為後位修飾屬於adv.的用法.
1.在門旁邊的辣妹是狄克的女友.( 介片屬於adj.,只能後位修飾)
The near the door spicy girl is Dicks girlfriend.(x)
The spicy girl near the door is Dicks girlfriend. (0)
2.傑克匆忙地走開了.( 介片屬於adv.,只能後位修飾)
Jack in a hurry walks away.(x)
Jack walks away in a hurry. (0)
. 介系詞(prep.)常出現在不及物動詞(不及V.)後面,再接名詞/代名詞(受格)                    受詞(O.),所以可視為不及物動詞的手臂.
     Please look(x)/look..at(0)that cool boy. /
     Please look at he.(x)/him.(0)
2.我下課後等我媽./. (wait屬於不及V.後面要先接介系詞才能再接受詞)
       I wait(x)/ wait..for(0)my mom after class.  /
       I wait for she(x)/her(0)after class.
屬於副詞的用法,前面不能介系詞.(因為介系詞的後面必需接 名詞/代名詞)
比較: 來這裡 come here(0)/to..here(x)  (to prep. ; hereadv.)
 去那裡 go there(0)/to..there(x)  (to prep.; thereadv.)
 回家 go home(0)/to..home(x)  (to prep.; homeadv.)
 到家get home(0)/to..home(x)  (to prep.; homeadv.)
 去他家go his..home(x)/to..his..home(0) (to prep.; homeN.)
 來我家come my..home(x)/to..my..home(0) (to prep.; homeN.)
問句句型: Where +be(am/are/is)+S. ...+
答句句型: 1.詳答 S.+ be +介系詞+名詞(=介系詞片語/介片)
2.簡答 介系詞+名詞(=介系詞片語/介片)
例1. 我的躲避球在哪兒? 在書桌下面.( /簡答)
     Wheres/Where..is my dodgeball?
     Its/It..is under the desk. (詳答)  /  Under the desk. (簡答)
例2. 他們正要去哪兒? 他們正要去圖書館.( /詳答)
     Where are they going to         To the library.  (簡答)
     Theyre going the..ibrary.(x)/to..the..library.(0)     (詳答)
例1. 那些學生的老師是李小姐嗎?
Are(x)/Is(0)the/those students(x)/students(0)teacher Miss Li?
Arent(x)/Isnt(0)the/these childrens(x)/childrens(0)art teacher Ms. Chen?
 1.2那些男孩的老師熊嗎? (like介系詞)
Is(0)/Does(x)the/those boys(x)/boys(0)teacher like a bear?
The/Those mouses(x)/mice(0)like(0)/are..like(x)cats.
2.她的朋友都不像警察嗎? (likeprep.)
Isnt (x)/ Arent (0)her friends like a police officer?
3.你阿伯你爸. (likeprep.)
You(x)/Your(0)uncle isnt(0)/doesnt(x)like your dad.
4.你阿姨不像你阿嬤嗎? 是的,她不像. (likeprep.)
Isnt your aunt like your grandmother?
Yes,(x)/No,(0)she isnt..like.(x)/isnt.(0) 
1. 在家 at home   2.在學校 at school   3.在公園裡/in/at the park
4.在動物園(/動物) at/in the zoo   5.在公園附近 near the park
6.在泳池畔/at/in the swimming pool
7.在桌子上 on the desk/table   8.在桌子裡 in the table(x)/desk(0)
9.在電視(節目)on the TV ; 在電視機上 on the TV (television)
10.在椅子/床的下面 under the chair/bed
11.在郵局隔壁 next to the post office
12.站在甘蒂/她旁邊  stand next to Candy/she(x)/her(0)
13.在門/窗附近 near the door/window
14.坐在我和你之間 sit between you and I(x)/me(0)  (2 ,3 ,1)
15.走在他們和我們之間   walk between them and us(x)
                        walk between us and them(0) (1 ,2 ,3)
16.在銀行和消防隊之間  between the bank and the fire station
17.在樹/牆的後面 in..back..of/behind the tree/wall
18.在床上(休息,睡覺in bed; 在床上(非休息,睡覺on the bed
19.在餐桌旁  at the table; 在用餐 at table
20.在書桌旁 at the desk; 在唸書 at desk
21.在房間/卧室/浴室/教室/客廳/廚房/飯廳  in the room/bedroom/
22.在餐廳/超市/大賣場 in/at the restaurant/supermarket/shopping..mall
23.在天空/院子裡/樹上/花園裡 in the sky/yard/tree/garden
24.在操場 on the playground  25.在農場裡 on the farm
26.在影院前面等候 wait in the..front(x)/front(0) of the theater
27.坐在影院的前面(前排) sit in front (x)/ the..front (0)of the theater
28.沙發在教室的後面. The sofas in the..back(0)/ back(x)of the classroom

29.我的房間在你們的後面.My rooms in the..back(x)/back(0)of you.(x)/yours.(0)

