國二(上)文法 25-14
一. need(需要/必需)是及物動詞(及V.)後面可接
名/ 代(受格)/to
人(sb.)或 非人(事/物=sth.)而定.
need的主詞(S.)是: 1.人(sb.),後面接to V.(不定詞),做受詞(O.).
Angel needed(及V.)some snacks(N.=O.)and pop soda.(N.=O.)
例2.你姊需要一台筆電嗎? (否定簡答)
Did your
sister need
a laptop? è
Needed(0)/ Need(x)your sister a laptop?
No, she didn’t..need.(x)/didn’t..need..one.(0)/ didn’t.(0)
No, she
Those poor stray dogs need many(x)/much(0)help and care.
例4.愛倫(主人)該多喝點溫水.Ellen needs drinking(x)/to..drink(0)more warm water.
例5.蜜雪兒(主人)需要一些/需吃些感冒藥. Michelle
needed some..cold..medicine. è
Michelle needed
taking(x)/to..take(0)some cold medicine.
You need washing(x)/to..wash(0)your sneakers ,Jeff.
比較: 傑夫,你的球鞋(主物)該洗一洗了.
Your sneakers
need to..wash(x)/washing(0)/to..be..washed(0),Jeff.
例7.你(主人)該洗頭了. You need to..wash(0)/washing(x)your head.(x)/hair.(0)
比較: 你的頭(主物)該洗了.
Your hair need(x)/needs(0)to..wash(x)/washing.(0)/to..be..washed.(0)
二. 因為主詞是人(sb.)或事/物(sth.)不同,而動詞用法,隨之改變的及V.,還有表示
花費(金錢/時間/精力 …)意思的,如: spend/take/cost …,句型變化如下:
用 S.+ spend<金錢/時間/精神>+ on(介)+ 名/代(受格),
或 S.+ spend<金錢/時間/精神>+ Ving(動名詞)
2. 主詞是 事/物(S.=sth.)花時間/精神,用
S.+ take(+人)+時間/精力(+to
2.1 主詞是 事/物(S.=sth.)花金錢,用 S.+ cost(+人)+金額(+to
3. 主詞是 真主詞(S.=to V./Ving),
用 S.(=to V./Ving)take(+人)+時間/精神
或 S.(=to V./Ving)cost(+人)+金額 ** cost的過去式與原V.同形.
3.1主詞是 虛主詞(S.=it),
用 S.(=It)take(+人)+時間/精神+ to
或 S.(=It)cost(+人)+金額+ to V./Ving(真主詞)
例1.吳阿姨花了多少錢買副新眼鏡? (主人/主物/虛主/真主) 她花了五千元買了副新眼鏡.
How much did Aunt Wu spend on/buying a new pair of glasses?
She spent $5,000 on/buying a new pair of glasses.
How much did a new pair of glasses cost
Aunt Wu?<主物=N.>
A new pair of glasses
cost Aunt
Wu $5,000.
How much did it cost Aunt Wu to..buy/buying a new pair of glasses? <虛主>
It cost Aunt Wu $5,000 to..buy/buying a new pair of glasses. <虛主>
To..buy/buying a new pair of glasses cost Aunt Wu $5,000. <真主>
例2.租一部轎車花我們多少錢? (主人/虛主/真主) 租台車要花我們一天$3,500.
How much did we spend on(x)/renting(0)a car? <主人>
We spent $3,500
on(x)/renting(0)a car.
How much did it cost us to..rent/renting a car? <虛主>
It cost us $3,500 a day to..rent/renting a car. <虛主>
To..rent/ Renting a car cost us $3,500 a day. <真主>
例3.莉莉花了多久才拿到免費的票? (主人/虛主/真主) 莉莎花了五個小時才拿到免費的票.
How long did Lily spend on(x)/getting(0)the free tickets? <主人>
Lily spent 5 hours on(x)/getting(0)the
free tickets.
How long did the free tickets take
Lily to..get?(0)/getting? (x) <主物>
The free tickets
took Lily
5 hours
to get.
How long did it spend(x)/take(0)Lily to..get/getting the free tickets? <虛主>
It took
Lily 5
hours to..get/getting the free tickets. <虛主>
To..get/Getting the free tickets
took Lily
5 hours. <真主>
例4.他們花了幾個星期來解決這困難. (主人/主物/虛主/真主)
They spent several
weeks on(0)/to..solve(x)/sloving(0)the problem. <主人>
The problem took
them several
weeks to..solve (0)/ solving.(x)
It took them several weeks
to..solve(0)/solving(0)the problem. <虛主>
To..solve(0)/ Solving(0)the problem took
them several
weeks. <真主>
例5.開車回宜蘭通常需要多久? (虛主) 需要一個半小時./一個多小時.
How long/much..time does it often take to..drive/driving back
to Ilan?
often takes
one..and..half..an..hour/ more..than..an..hour
to..drive/driving back
to Ilan.
How long/much..time does your brother spend
on/surfing the Net a day?
很多. Very
many.(x)/ much.(0)
很少. Very few.(x)/
例7.爬上那座高山將耗費他們大量的體力. To..climb/ Climbing up the high mountain
will spend(x)/cost(x)/take(0)them lots..of/much energy.