國一(上)文法 25-14
一.將下列句子:單數(sing.) 複數 (pl.) (注意:不可數名詞,沒有多數形,字尾不+s/es)
1. These are erasers.
is an
2. The baby boy’s cute. The babies(x)/baby(0)boys are cute.
3. That’s our baseball coach. Those
are my
baseball coachs(x)/coaches.(0)
4. We’re Americans. I am a(x)/an(0)America(x)/American.(0)
5. She’s his schoolmate.(同校同學) They are their schoolmates.
6. James’ watch’s old. James’ watch(x)/watches(0)are
7. Those oranges aren’t sweet.That/The orange isn’t sweet.
Bananas are sweet
fruit. Banana(x)/A..banana(0)is a sweet fruit.

9. Elephants are animals. Elephant(x)/An..elephant(0)is an animal.
pencil boxes are ours. The/This/That pencil box is mine.
11.This is a desk, not a table.The(x)/ These(0)are desks, not tables.
12.Their sunglasses are cool. His/Her sunglass(x)/sunglasses(0)are cool.
13.There’re many monkeys in the trees.There’s monkey(x)/a..monkey(0)in the tree.
14.There’re five people in their family.
There’s a/one people(x)/person(0)in his/her family.
15.Who are the policemen? Who’s the policemen(x)/policeman?(0)
16.There’s a dictionary in the desk.There
are dictionaries
in the
17.Where’s your marker? Where
are your
18.What are those? What is that(0)/the?(x)
19.Where are you? Where are you?
20.They’re not my classmates.He’s/She’s not our classmates(x)/classmate.(0)
21.It’s not a mummy.(木乃伊) They’re not mummys(x)/mummies.(0)
22.Are they not nurses?(護士) Is he/she not nurse(x)/a..nurse?(0)
23.Aren’t those your neighbors?(鄰居) Isn’t the(x)/that(0)your neighbor?
24.They’re English books. It’s English(x)/an..English(0)book.
25.The baby’s my cousin. The/These/Those babies
are our
26.How’s Rose’s uncle? How are Rose’s uncles?
27.Her ruler’s short,but mine is long.
Their rulers
are short,
but ours
are long.
28.That businessman’s heavy.Those businessmans(x)/businessmen(0)are

30.Who’s in your parents’ room? Who..are(x)/Who’s(0)in your parents’ room?
1.Mark and Max are magicians. Who..are(x)/Who’s(0)a magician?
What are Mark and Max? = What do Mark and Max do?
2.My pets(寵物)are little pigs. What are(x)/ is(0)your pet?
3.No,it’s not my bookbag. Is/Isn’t it your bookbag?
4.No.It’s a computer. Is/Isn’t it a television?(TV)(computer除外,皆可)
5.No.It’s hers. Is/Isn’t it hers?(x)
Is/Isn’t it yours/his/mine/ours/theirs?(0)
6.No.It’s yours. Is/Isn’t it mine /ours?(x)
Is/Isn’t it yours/his/hers/theirs?
7.No.It’s mine. Is it yours(x)/mine/his/hers/ ours/theirs?(0)
8.No.It’s my vilolin. Is it your(x)/ my/his/her/our/their violin?(0)
9.They’re at school now. Who..are(x)/Who’s(0)at school now?
10.They’re in the kitchen. Where are they?
11.Mr.and Mrs.Pitt are movie stars. Who..are(x)/Who’s(0)a movie star?
12.Mr.and Mrs.Jackson are singers. What are Mr. and Mrs. Jackson?
=What do Mr. and Mrs. Jackson do?
13.Jay’s a pianist.(鋼琴家) What’s Jay? = What’s Jay’s job?
= What
does Jay
14.Aunt Kao’s children are fine. Who..are(x)/Who’s fine?
15.We’re Taiwanese.(台人) Who..are(x)/Who’s(0)a Taiwanese?
16.I’m an Australian.(澳人) Where are you from? = Where
do you
come from?
17.They’re Japanese.(日人) Who..are(x)/Who’s(0)a Japanese?
18.They’re Chinese.
Where are
they from? =
Where do
they come
19.Jeff’s cat’s under the bed.
Where’s Jeff’s cat’s(x)/cat?(0)
20.Jenny’s shoes are behind the door. What..are(x)/What’s(0)behind the door?
21.I’m Frank Lin. Who’s Frank Lin?
Who are you? = What’s your name?
1. 他們是兄弟姊妹. They’re brothers and

我們是兄妹./姊弟. We’re a brother and a sister. /

3. 我們是同窗,不是表兄妹. We’re classmates, not
莎拉是廚師,也是藝術家. Sara’s a cook and an artist. (同一人,不同身份)

5. 莉莎是音樂家,不是魔術師. Lisa’s a musician, not a magician.
6. 莉莉和莎莉的媽是醫生.(共同所有)
Lily’s and Sally’s(x)/Lily and Sally’s(0)mom is a doctor.
7. 莉莉的和莎莉的爹都是護士嗎? (個別所有)
Is Lily and Sally’s(x)dad a nurse?
Are Lily’s and Sally’s(0)dads nurses?
8. 誰在音樂教室裡? Who is in the music room?
是漢克和哈利. Are(x)/They’re(0)Hank and Harry.
= Hank and Harry are.= Hank and Harry.
9. 那個盒子裡有什麼?What..are(x)/What’s(0)there in that box?
一枝自動鉛筆和兩支彩色筆. (There..are /There’s)A mechanical
pencil and two markers.