2015年12月14日 星期一

國三(上)文法 22-16 ans

                                   國三()文法                  22-16
一.  too so 的用法
tooso 都有的意思,且前後兩句皆為肯定句,so的後面要接倒裝句,句型如下:
S.+ V.,and.(And) + S´.+ be/ V./ 語助V.+ ,too.  è
S.+ V.,and.(And) + so+ be/ V./ 語助V.+ S´. <倒裝句>
1.茱莉亞很害羞,朱利安也是. Julia is very shy ,and/ .(And) Julian is ,too. 
Julia is very shy ,and/ .(And) so is Julian.
2.他們以前很吵,我們現在也是. They were very noisy before ,and/ .(And)
we..are..now..,too.  // so..are..we..now.
3.我在看現場的秀,許多粉絲也是. Im watching the live show ,and/ .(And)
many..fans..are..,too.  // so..are..many..fans.
4.艾瑪是社團的領導人,史考特也是. Emma was a club leader ,and/ .And
Scott..was..,too.  // so..was..Scott.
1.海倫考試常作弊,你們也是. Helen often cheats on the exams ,and/ .And
you..do..,too. // so..do..you.
2.凱蒂肚子痛,凱莉也是. Kitty had a stomachache ,and.And
Kelly..did..,too. // so..did..Kelly.
 Tim has to be fined for not wearing a helmet ,and.And
his..girlfriend..has(x)/ does(0) ..,too.  // so..has(x)/does(0) ..his ..girldriend.
1.克里夫下西洋棋,奧斯卡也會. Cliff can play chess ,and/ .And
Oscar..can..,too. // so..can..Oscar.
2.我姊在演唱會吹橫笛,我媽也是. My sister will play the flute at the concert
,and.And my..mom..will..,too. // so..will..my..mom.
例2.1 參加網球營,保羅也是. Im going to join the tennis camp ,and/ .And
Paul..will(x)/is(0) ..,too.  // so..will(x)/is(0)..Paul.
3.蔣家(family)在德國已經20多年, 張家(不用family)也是.
The Chiang family has lived in Germany over twenty years ,and/ .And
the..Chiangs..has(x)/have(0) ..,too. // so..has(x)/have(0)..the..Chiangs.
4.許多房子已被吹倒,那座橋也是. Many houses have been blown down ,and/ .And
that..bridge..have(x)/has(0) ..,too.  // so..have(x)/has(0) ..that..bridge.
二.  not…either neither (=not+either)的用法
S.+ V.<否定>+  ,and.(And)+ S´.+ be/ V./ 語助V.+ not<否定>+,either è
S.+ V.<否定>+  ,and.(And)+ neither<否定>+ be/ V./ 語助V.+ S´. <倒裝句>
1.維克不怕,尼克也是.Vick isnt<否定>afraid of ghosts ,and/ .(And)
Nick ..isnt..,too.(x)/,either.(0)  //  neither ..isnt(x)/is(0 ..Nick.
2.當時我什麼都沒做,我的朋友們也是. I was doing nothing<否定>then ,and/ .(And)
my..friends..were(x)/werent(0)..,either.  // neither..werent(x)/were(0)..my..friends.
3.他的笑話一點也不好笑,你們的也一樣.His joke isnt<否定>funny at all ,and.And
yours(x)/your..jokes(0)arent ,either.  //  neither arent(x)/are(0)your jokes.
4.你們沒有陷入車陣,也沒有.You werent caught in the traffic jam ,and.And
I..wasnt..,either. //  neither..wasnt(x)/was(0)..I.
5.布魯士上學從不遲到,也一樣.Bruce is never late to school ,and.And
you..arent..,either. // you..never..are. // so(x)/neither(0)/never(0 ..are ..you.
1.傑夫沒有帶錢,我們也是. Jeff doesnt<否定>have any money with him ,and/ .And
we..dont..,too.(x)/,either.(0)   //   so(x)/neither(0)..dont(x)/do(0)..we.
2.他們沒去泛舟,我們也一樣. They didnt go rafting ,and/ .And
we..didnt..,too.(x)/,either. (0)   //  so(x)/neither(0)..didnt(x)/did(0)..we.
3.克拉克沒有對他娘撒謊,你們也沒有.Clark didnt lie to his mom ,and/ .And
you..didnt..,too.(x)/,either.(0)  //  so(x)/neither(0)..didnt(x)/did(0)..you.
4.莎莉從來沒有準時交作業,莎拉也是. Sally never hands in her homework on time.
And Sara..never..does..before.  //  never..does..Sara.  //  neither..does..Sara.
4.1我爹很少在家吃晚餐,他爹也一樣. My dad seldom has dinner at home
,and his..seldom..does..,too.(x)/,either.(0) // neither(x)/seldom(0)..does ..his.
1.不該說謊,你們也一樣.Ben shouldnt<否定>tell a lie ,and/ .And
you..shouldnt..,either.   //   so(x)/neither(0)..shouldnt(x)/should(0)..you.
2.喬伊不會再出現在派對上,她男友也是. Joy wont<否定>show up at the party
again. (And)Her..boyfriend..wont..,either. // Neither..will..her..boyfriend.
3.傑克森以前不會游泳,傑克也也一樣.Jackson couldnt<否定>swim before ,and/ .And
Jack..couldnt..,too.(x)/,either.(0) // so(x)/neither(0)..couldnt(x)/could(0)..Jack.
5.我們沒被高老師教過,魯比也沒有.We havent been taught by Ms. Kao ,and/ .And
Rubie..hasnt..,too.(x)/,either.(0)  //  so(x)/neither(0)..does(x)/has(0)..Rubie.
 6.山姆不曾去過迪士尼樂園,也是.Sam has never been to Disneyland ,and/ .And

I..havent..,either.  //  never..have..I.  // neither..have..I.

