2015年12月7日 星期一

國三(上)二段考片語和佳句 22-15 ans

國三()二段考片語和佳句            22-15
1.將快被拆除 will be knocked down soon   1.1被機車撞倒 be knocked down by
a scooter  1.2將某人擊倒在地 to knock sb. to the ground  1.3to knock
on the door  2.被颱風吹倒 be blown down by a typhoon  2.1把屋頂吹掀起來
to blow the roofs off  3.死於地震 to die in an earthquake  4.嚴肅的談話
a serious talk  4.1對人/很認真 be serious about sb./sth.  4.2嚴重的水患
serious flooding  4.3 引起嚴重的損失 do/cause serious damage  4.4嚴重地受損
be seriously damaged  5.被大火完全地摧毀 be totally destroyed by the fire
6./標誌 a street/road sign  6.1警告標誌 a warning sign  6.2在考卷上簽名
to sign ones name on the test paper  6.3那個標誌上寫什麼? What does the
sign say?   上面寫小心橋上結冰.”It says Watch For Ice On Bridge.
6.4他突然去世前,沒有任何病兆. There were no signs of illness before his
sudden death.   6.5向救援者發出信號 send signals to the rescuer(s)
7.船到橋頭自然直 Cross that bridge when you come to it.
7.1保護地球母親被汙染 to protect Mother Earth from being polluted
7.2 阻止颱風發生 to stop typhoons from happening  7.3 防止小孩在街上玩 to stop
the kids from playing on the street  7.4 遠離窗戶 to stay away from windows
8.採取行動 take action/ steps  8.1付諸行動 put into action  8.2拋錨 out of order/
action  9.拯救溺水的小孩to save the drowning kid  9.1溺斃的野狗 drowned stray
dog(s)    10.停電 power cut<n.>/failure <n.>   10.1發電廠 power plant
10.2 核能/風力/水力/太陽能發電 nuclear/ wind/ water/ solar power
11. 電梯/手扶梯/樓梯 take the elevator/ escalator/ stairs  12./樓梯 walk
up/down stairs  13.遮蓋çè掀開 cover çè uncover  13.1雜誌封面 the cover<n.>
of a magazine  13.2掩飾錯誤 to cover up ones mistake 13.3他的興趣涵蓋許多領域.
His interests cover many areas.   14.那家鞋店營業從早上11點到晚上10. The shoe
shop opens<V.>/is..open<>from 11:00A.M. to 10:00P.M.
15.消磨時間 to kill time  16.網路的便利性 the convenience of the Internet
17.把盆栽移到室內 to bring the pot plants inside    18.帶出人性最好/壞的一面
to bring out the best/worst in people  19.小心墜落的東西 to watch for the
falling object(s)   20.踩到狗屎. Dont step on the dog dropping.
21.wake<Vi.>up  21.1叫醒某人 wake<Vt.>sb. up   21.2被叫醒 be woken up
22.盡最大的努力 do ones best  23.需要 in need<n.>   23.1需要in need of money
23.2幫助有需要的to help the people in need   23.3患難見真情. A friend in
need is a friend indeed.  23.4捐錢幫助需要的donate some money to the people
in need  24.做最壞的打算 get ready for the worst  26.救生 survival kit
26.1急救 first aid kit   26.2龍捲風/大火中生還 to survive the tornado/fire
27.救生艇 lifeboat   28.毯子 blanket   29.額外的電池 extra batteries<pl.>
30.提供急救品 provide first aid needs<pl.>  31.瓦礫堆 from under the rubble
31.1.被困在瓦礫中 be trapped in the rubble  32.真是一團亂! What a mess! 
33.受傷 be/get hurt<p.p.>    34.被毀 be/get ruined<p.p.>   35.地下室 basement
36.天然災害 natural disaster  37.公開的 in public   38.熱帶風暴 tropical storm(s)
39.撥我的手機 call me on my cellphone  40.統治這個國家 to rule the country
41.根據以上/以下表格 according to the table above/below
42.每天/此時 at this time of day/year  43.在角落裡織網 build webs in corners
44.據說 It..is..said..that/ They..say..that/ People..say..that    45.製作人 producer
46.主角 main character  47.鎂光燈 spotlight  48.得獎 win a prize  49.不是在說笑的.
No kidding.  50.咱們笑一個.Lets say cheese.  51.樂觀<n.>è樂觀的<> optimism è
optimistic  51.1悲觀<n.>è悲觀的<> pessimism èpessimistic  52.勇氣 courage
52.1 鼓勵我學游泳 to encourage me to learn swimming  53.把箭移除 remove the arrow           54.螢幕截圖 screenshot  55.規劃去遊樂園的路線 to plan the route to the amusement
park   56.目前的交通狀況 the current traffic   57.經由(借道)via/by..way..of 
58.所以 therefore/so<> 59.卡路里 calory= calorie ècalories<pl.> 60.挑剔的 picky
61.跋扈的 bossy  62.趾高氣昂的 cocky  63.說服某人去做 to talk sb. into doing sth.
64.損害健康 to harm ones health  65.如何來拒絕how to turn him down
66.似乎有點難過 to seem/ appear to be sad/down   67.難過.Dont be sad/down.
68.邪惡的王子 evil prince  69.卑鄙的小人 mean person  70.淘氣的巫師 wicked wizard
71.變得更有信心 become more confident  72.努力解決問題 to work on the problem
72.1將問題解決 to work the problem out    73.痘痘 pimple(s)   74.消化 digestion<n.>
75./臉頰 upper/lower cheek  76.下巴 chin  77.肝臟 liver(s)  78.lung(s)
78.1lung cancer  79.腎臟 kidney(s)  80./血壓 high/low blood pressure
81.牙醫 dentist  81.1牙線 floss  81.2牙籤 toothpick(s)  81.3漱口水 mouthwash

82.不良的飲食 poor diet   83.枕頭pillowcase   84.討厭 be sick/tired of

