2015年7月9日 星期四

國二(上)文法 25-2 ans

                            國二()文法                          25-2
.在過去式中,一般V.V-be同樣有五種變化句型.只要將句中的V-beV.                  改為過去式(was/were/did/could…)即可. *** V.後面要接V. 
  1.我半小時前在圖書館裡. I was in the library half an hour ago.
    問句: Was I in the library half an hour ago?
    否定: I was..not/wasnt in the library half an hour ago.
    否問: Was..I..not/Wasnt..I in the library half an hour ago?
    簡答: Yes, you were.            No, you were..not./werent.
    省略: 我半小時前在圖書館裡,而他們也是. /但她沒有.
    I was in the library half an hour ago
    ,and theyre too.(x)    ,and they were, too.(0) /
,but shes..not.(x)      ,but she was..not. /wasnt.(0)
  2.茱莉這回病的很重. Julie got very sick this time.
    問句: Did Julie get very sick this time?
    否定: Julie did..not/didnt get very sick this time.
    否問: Did..Julie.. not/Didnt..Julie get very sick this time?
    簡答: Yes, she was.(x)/did.(0)
          No, she was.. not.(x)/did..not.(0)/didnt.(0)
    省略: 茱莉這次沒有病的很重,你也是. /但我有.
    Julie did..not/didnt get very sick this time
    ,and you did(x)/didnt.(0),too.(x)/ ,either.(0)  /
    ,but I am.(x)/was.(x)/do.(x)/did.(0)
  1.伯朗太太以前講法文. Mrs. Brown spoke French(before.)
Ms. Smith flied(x)/flew(0)to Kaohsiung the day before yesterday.
    We had geography at 8:00 a.m./A.M./this..morning.
  4.你的暑假過的如何?  How(do you think)about your summer vacation?
很精彩嗎Was it great/wonderful?
  5.傑夫的阿嬤前年還健康嗎? <若出現疊影或亂碼,請參考25-2-1.jpg>
    Was Jeffs grandma still healthy the year before last year?
    We drank much/lots..of/a..lot..of coffee tonight./this..evening.
    There were forty-four students in our class last semester.
  8.我的小學同學幾年前很瘦,現在不會了. My classmates at elementary school                  were very thin a few years ago, but they werent(x)/arent(0)now.
 9. 兩週前黃家人去陽明山泡溫泉. The..Huang..family/Huanhs..family/
 The..Huangs went to a hot spring in Yangmingshan two weeks ago.
 My parents went window shopping yesterday..evening./last..night.
 11.十分鐘前,誰在那兒?  Who(S.)were(x)/was(0)there ten minutes ago?
是尼克和妮娜.Theyre(x)/ They..were(0)Nick and Nina.   à
             Nick and Nina are.(x)/were.(0)
 12.以前誰教她日文?  Who(S.)did..teach(x)/taught(0)her Japanese before?
是周小姐.Its(x)/ It..was(0)Miss Chou.   à   Miss Chou was.(x)/did.(0)
 13.上個月誰教他們游泳的? Who(S.)taught them swimming(x)/to..swim(0)last month?
是張先生. It was Mr. Chang.  à   Mr. Chang did.
 14.今天誰最早到?  Who(S.)came first today?
是泰瑞. It..was Terry.   à   Terry did.
 15.你在捷運上遇見了誰? Who(O.) met..you(x)/did ..you..meet(0)on the MRT?
 16.上次宴會是什麼事使他傷心的? 沒事兒.  (There was)Nothing.
    What(S.)makes(x)/made(0)him sad at the party last time?
 17.剛才你表哥在河裡捕到啥? 捕到很多魚.Caught(x)/ He..caught(0)many fish.(pl.)
    What(O.)did your cousin caught(x)/catch(0)in the river just now?
***  疑問詞主詞(S.)視為單三,省略助V.  ***
 18.你爸以前有多喜歡牛排? 他一點兒都不喜歡. He didnt like(x)/like..it(0)at all.
 1.今天天氣如何? 今天是雨天而且很涼快. Its/It..is cool and rainy.
How..is/Hows the weather like today? à What..is/Whats the weather like today?
 2.昨夜天氣如何?( how)  天氣又悶又熱. Its(x)/It..was(0)hot and humid.
Hows(x)/How..was(0)the weather like last night? <若出現疊影或亂碼,請參考25-2-2.jpg>
 3.加拿大冬天的天氣如何?(what)  下雪又冷. Its/It..is cold and snowy.
Whats/What..is the weather like in winter in Canada?
 4.高雄夏天的天氣如何?  又溼又熱. Its/It..is wet and hot.
Hows(0)/ How..was(x)the weather in summer in Kaohsiung?
 5.台北冬天下很多雨.(分別用v./n.)  It(S.)rains(V.=單三)a lot in winter in Taipei.
There..is/We..have much rain(N.=不可數)in winter in Taipei.
6.花蓮夏天有許多颳風.(主詞分別用 人/)
We/You/They(主人)have many typhoons in summer in Hualian.
There(預主=)are many typhoons(真主=)in summer in Hualian.
7.紐約秋天很少下雪.Theres little/not..much snow(N.=不可數)in fall in New York.
You/They/We dont..have..much/have..little snow in fall in New York.

It(主物)doesnt..snow(V.)..much/seldom..snows(V.)in fall in New York.

