2015年7月9日 星期四

國三(上)文法 22-2 ans

                                   國三()文法                        22-2
一.  have/has 與名詞’s的用法區別
例1.   他是我的教練.Hes(0)/ He..has(x)/ He..is(0)my coach.
1.1莎莉吃過晚餐了.Sally’s(0)/ Sally..is(x)/ Sally..has(0)eaten(p.p.=完成)dinner.
例2.   你長笛學幾年了? How long have you learned(p.p.=完成)the flute?
已學超過10年了.Ive/ I..have learned it over/ more..than 10 years.
3.你功課做完了嗎? </否簡答> Have you done/finished(p.p.=完成)your homework?
      Yes, Ive (x)/ I..have (0)        No, I..have..not. / Ive..not. / I..havent.
3.1 你姊兩個珍珠包? </否簡答>   Does your sister have two pearl purses?  è
     Yes, she does.    No, she doesnt.     Has your sister two pearl purses?  è
                 Yes, she has. (x)/ does. (0)   No, she has..not. (x)/ doesnt. (0)
二.  現在完成式的基本句型練習
1.小班從網球場回來.Little Ben has just come(p.p.=完成)back from the tennis court.
例1.1 大班剛才回到家.Big Ben has..just..got..home. (x)/ got..home..just..now. (0)
2.Q從來沒有通過智力測驗. A-q hasnt..ever/ has..never passed an I.Q. test.
3.已經把垃圾倒了? 否定簡答. No, I havent already. (x)/yet. (0) èNo, not yet.
   Have you taken out the garbage already?  (x)/ yet? (0)
4.我們已經看過這表演幾次.Weve seen/watched the show(for)several times.
5.凱莉不曾看過這類植物. Kelly..has..not / Kellys..not / Kelly..has..never
seen this kind of plants.(x)/plant.(0)before.
6.以前有熬過夜? 有過./不曾. Have you ever stayed up late before?
Yes, I do. (x)/have. (0)     No, I..havent. / Ive..not. / never.
6.1他們去過故宮? (visit) Do/ Did they ever visit the Palace Museum?
è Have they ever visited the Palace Museum?
7.阿珍曾經和妞吵過架Has A-jean once(x)/ ever(0)fought with Neo? <問句>
7.1阿麵曾經和土司吵架.Noodle has ever(x)/ once(0)fought with Bread. <肯定句>
8.貝蒂和網友約會過. Betty has ever(x)/ once(0)dated with her Net pals.
                è Once Betty has dated with her Net pals(once). <肯定句>
三.  since(自從)後面常接過去式時名/時片/子句而和現在完成式主要子句連用.
1.你在三重教英文多久了? How long have you taught English in Sanchung?
Ive taught English in Sanchung since 1986. / 27..years..ago. 
è Its/ It..has..been 27 years since I taught English in Sanchung.
2.仙蒂學畫已十多年.Sandy has learned painting(for)more than 10 years.
è It..is/ It..has..been over 10 years since Sandy learned painting.
2.1仙蒂10年前/從很小,就已經在學書法了. Sandy has learned calligraphy since
10..years..ago. / she..was..very..young.
四.  ever/never; already/yet; this+時名; recently皆可用於現簡式/過簡式/現完式,           意義不同. for+ 一段時間; before 均可用於過簡式/現完式,意義不同.
例1.   今天上午有看到王老師嗎? Have you seen Mr. Wang this morning? (目前是上午)      
   èDo you see Mr. Wang this morning? (目前是上午)
   èDid you see Mr. Wang this morning? (目前是已過上午)
  Grandpa has..stayed(x)/stayed<P.T.>(0)in that hospital for 2 weeks.
Uncle has..stayed(x)/ stayed<P.T.>(0)in that hospital 2 weeks ago.
 Grandma stayed<P.T.>(x)/has..stayed(0)in that hospital for a weeks.
3.之前丟過手機.(目前不確定有沒找到) I have..lost(x)/ lost(0)my cellphone before.
3.1我的手機掉了.(目前確定沒找到) I lost<P.T.>(x)/ have..lost(0)my cellphone.
4.買了台 iPad.(以前有買,目前不確定還在)
 I have..bought<現完>(x)/ bought <P.T.>(0)an iPad before.
4.1已買了台 MP4 .(以前有買,目前仍在) I bought(x)/have..bought(0)an MP4.
五.  限用過簡式,不能現完式的情形
1.句中動詞,屬於瞬間完成的動作,: die(死亡); begin/start(開始); arrive(到達)…
1.瓊斯博士抵台已經2個月了. Dr. Jones has..arrived(x)/ has..stayed<現完>(0)/          arrived <P.T.>(x)in Taiwan for two months.
è Dr. Jones arrived <P.T.>in Taiwan two months ago.
1.1瓊斯博士剛剛抵台. Dr. Jones just..arrived(x)/ has..just..arrived(0)in Taiwan.
2.約瑟夫的爺爺已經去逝幾天了. Josephs grandpa has..died(x)/                  has..been..dead<>(0)/ died<P.T.>(x)for a few days.  è
                                     Josephs grandpa died<P.T.>a few days ago.
2.1喬的爺爺剛剛去逝. Joes grandpa has..just..died. <現完>/ died..just..now. <P.T.>
2.句中有表示過去時間時副/時副片,或以when, what..time開頭的問句
1.喬治前夜去看醫生.George has..seen(x)/saw(0)a doctor the night before last.
2.前晚我們去釣魚.We have..gone(x)/went(0)fishing the evening before yesterday.
3.周老師何時去澳洲的? 上週四. Last Thursday.
When has..Ms...Chou..gone(x)/ did..Ms...Chou..go(0)to Australia?
4.煙火秀幾點開始了? 八點半. What time has..the..firework..display..begun? (x)/             did.. the..firework..display..begin? (0)    (It was)Eighty-thirty. (x)/ At..8:30. (0)
4.1表演開始多久了? 一個小時了. How long did..the..show..begin?  (x)/

has..the..show..begun? (0)       For an hour.

