國二(上)文法 25-23 ans

                                   國二()文法                          25-23
一.  有關長度/高度/重量的問答
 :公尺 meter(s) = m. ; 公里 kilometer(s) = kilo(s) = km. ;
    公分 centimeter(s) = cm. ; 公克 gram(s) = g. ; 公斤kilogram(s) = kilo(s) = kg.
1.茱莉去年有多高How tall was Julie last year?
她去年 135公分.Shes(x)/ She..was(0)135 cm. (tall last year.)
  ** 135公分高,讀做: one hundred and thirty-five centimeters tall
 2.台北橋有多長? (分別用how/ what)     大約有1.5公里/1,500公尺長.
 How long is Taipei Bridge?
  (Its)About one..point..five..km /one..thousand..five..hundred..meters. long.
  Whats the length(N.,長度)of Taipei Bridge?
  Its length is about 1.5 km. / 1,500 m.
 3.茱蒂上學期有多重? (分別用how/ what)   她有68公斤重.
 How much did Judy weight<N.>(x)/weigh<V.>(0)last semester?
 She weighed(V.)sixty-eight kg / kilos / kilograms last semester.
 What was Judys weigh<V.>(x)/weight<N.>(0)last semester?
 Her weight were(x)/was(0)68 kg / kilos / kilograms last semester.
二.  happen (V.)的用法
1.主詞(S.)(sb.),常與to V.(不定詞)連用,湊巧解釋.
  ** what happen to + N.  =  whats wrong/the..matter with + N.
 I(主人)happened to meet(V.)Ms. Chen at SOGO Department Store.
1.1你們湊巧聽到莫莉說我的壞話嗎?      當然有/沒有. Of course, yes. / no.
 Did you(主人)happen to hear(V.)Molly speak/speaking ill of me?
2.這兒剛才發生什麼事了?                 有場火警. There was a fire.
  What(主物)happened(PT.)here just now?
2.1那兒現在發生啥事? 有人在打架. There are some people fighting.
  What(主物)are(x)/is(0)happening there now?
3.阿民,你的手肘怎麼了?                  我骨折了. I(x)/It(0)was broken.
  What(主物)happened(PT.)to()your elbow ,A-ming?   è
  Whats(主物)wrong()/the..matter(N.)with your elbow ,A-ming?
3.1 哈利,你的滑板車怎麼了?      故障了. It was broken. / out..of..order.
What(主物)happened(PT.)to()your scooter ,Harry?  è
 Whats(主物)wrong()/the..matter(N.)with your scooter ,Harry?
3.2 布萊德,你的褲子怎麼了? 它燒焦了. It..was(x)/ They..were(0)burned. /burnt.
 What(主物)happened(PT.)to()your pants ,Brad?
3.3 艾莉絲,你阿公怎麼了?      他傷到背了.He hurted(x)/hurt(0)his back.
 What(主物)happened(PT.)to()your grandpa ,Iris?
4.山姆將有好事臨頭嗎? Is there something good going to happen to()Sam?
三.  send/spent(PT.); cost/cost(PT.)用法複習
Paul(主人)spent ten thousand dollars on/buying a(x)/an(0)LCD screen.
An LCD screen(主物)spent(x)/costed(x)/cost(0)Paul $10,000(to buy.)
It(虛主)took(x)/cost(0)Paul $10,000 buying(0)/to..buy(0)an LCD screen.
Buying(0)/To..buy(0)(真主)an LCD screen spent(x)/cost(0)Paul $10,000.
2.南西花了三小時買到 S.H.E.的專輯.(主人/主物/虛主)
Nancy(主人)spent three hours on/ buying S.H.Es album.
S.H.Es album(主物)spent(x)/cost(x)/took(0)Nancy three hours to buy it.
It(虛主)cost(x)/took(0)Nancy 3 hours buying(0)/to..buy(0)S.H.Es album.
Buying(0)/To..buy(0)(真主)S.H.Es album spent(x)/took(0)Nancy 3 hours.
 3.我們花很大的力氣游過那條河. (主人/主物/虛主)
We(主人)spent much energy to..swim(x)/swimming(0)across the river.
The river(主物) took us much energy to..swim(0)/swimming(x)across it.
To..swim(0)/Swimming(0)(真主)across the river took us much energy.
It(虛主)took us much energy to..swim(0)/swimming(0)across the river.
四.   個別所有和共同所有的用法複習
Winnies..and..Jennys(x)/Winnie..and..Jennys(0)uncle is a tennis coach.
2.馬克的和瑪莉的表哥都是科學家嗎? (個別所有)
Are both Mark..and..Marys(x)/ Marks..and..Marys(0)cousins scientists?
是的,他們都是. Yes, they are..both.(x)/ both..are.(0)
3.佩蒂和佩琪的學校是女校.(共有) Pettys..and..Peggys(x)/Petty..and..Peggys(0)
school is a girls(x)/girls(0)one.
4.你們唸的是男女合校嗎? (共有)

Do you go to co-ed school?    è    Are you in co-ed school?

國二(上)文法 25-23

                                    國二()文法                          25-23
一.  有關長度/高度/重量的問答
 :公尺 _________ = ____ ; 公里 ______________ = ________ = _____ ;
    公分 _______________ = _____ ; 公克 ________ = ___ ; 公斤_____________ = ______ = ____
1.茱莉去年有多高?  ______ _____ ______ _______ ______ ______
她去年 135公分.______(x)/ _____..______(0)_____ _____ (_____ ______ ______)
  ** 135公分高,讀做: _____ _________ _____ ____________ ______________ _____
 2.台北橋有多長? (分別用how/ what)     大約有1.5公里/1,500公尺長.
 _____ _____ ___ _______ ________
 (____)_______ _____..______.._____.._____ /____..___________..____.._________..________ _____
  _______ ____ ________(___,______)____ ________ ________
  _____ ________ ___ _______ ____ _____ / _______ ____
 3.茱蒂上學期有多重? (分別用how/ what)   她有68公斤重.
 _____ ______ _____ ______ _________<__>(x)/_______<__>(0)______ __________
 _____ __________(___)_____________ ____ / ______ / ____________ ______ __________
 ______ _____ _______ _______<__>(x)/________<__>(0)______ __________
 ____ ________ ______(x)/_____(0)____ ____ / ______ / ___________ ______ __________
二.  happen (__)的用法
  ** ______ happen ___ + ___  =  _______ _______/____.._________ _____ + ___
 __(____)___________ ___ ______(__)____ ______ ___ _______ _____________ _______
1.1你們湊巧聽到茱莉說我的壞話嗎?      當然有/沒有. ____ _________  _____ / ____
 _____ _____(____)_________ ___ ______(__)_______ _______/__________ ___ ___ ____
2.這兒剛才發生什麼事了?                 有場火警. ______ _____ __ _____
  ______(____)___________(___)______ _____ _____ 
2.1那兒現在發生啥事? 有人在打架. ______ ____ ______ _______ __________
  ______(____)____(x)/___(0)____________ ______ _____
3.阿民,你的手肘怎麼了?                  我骨折了. __(x)/ ____(0)_____ _________
  ______(____)___________(___)___(___)_____ _______ _________   è
  ________(____)_______(___)/_____.._________(___)______ _____ _______ _________
3.1 哈利,你的滑板車怎麼了?      故障了. ___ _____ _________ / _____..____.._______
______(____)___________(___)___(___)______ _________ _______  è
 _______(____)_______(___)/_____.._________(___)_____ _____ _________ _______
3.2 布萊德,你的褲子怎麼了? 它燒焦了. ___.._____(x)/ _____..______(0)_________ /_______
 ______(____)___________(___)___(___)_____ _______ ______
3.3 艾莉絲,你阿公怎麼了?      他傷到背了.____ _________(x)/______(0)_____ ______
 ______(____)___________(___)___(___)_____ __________ _____
4.山姆將有好事臨頭嗎? ___ ______ ___________ _____ _______ ___ ________ ___(___)_____
三.  send/spent(___); cost/cost(___)用法複習
2. ______(__)______(_____),____________(+___)+______
_____(____)______ ____ __________ ________ ___/________ ___(x)/____(0)______ ________
____ ______ ________(____)_______(x)/________(x)/______(0)______ ________ (___ _____)
___(____)_____(x)/_____(0)_____ ________ ________(0)/ ___.._____(0)____ _____ ________
________(0)/ ___.._____(0)(____)____ _____ _________ ______(x)/______(0)______ _________
2.南西花了三小時買到 S.H.E.的專輯.(主人/主物/虛主)
_______(____)_______ _______ _______ ____/ _________ ________ _______
________ _______(____)______(x)/______(x)/______(0)_______ ______ _____ ___ ____ ___
___(____)_____(x)/______(0)_______ ___ ______ ________(0)/___.._____(0)________ _______
________(0)/___.._____(0)(____)________ _______ _______(x)/______(0)_______ ___ _______
 3.我們花很大的力氣游過那條河. (主人/主物/虛主)
____(____)_______ ______ ________ ___.._______(x)/___________(0)________ ____ ______
____ _______(____)______ ____ ______ ________ ___.._______(0)/___________(x)________ ___
___.._______(0)/___________(0)(____)________ ____ _______ ______ ____ ______ ________
___(____)______ ____ ______ ________ ___.._______(0)/___________(0)________ ____ ______
四.   ______所有和__________的用法複習
__________.._____..________(x)/ ________.._____..________(0)______ ___ __ _______ _______
2.馬克的和瑪莉的表哥都是科學家嗎? (________)
_____ _____ _______.._____.._______(x)/ ________.._____..________(0)_________ ____________
是的,他們都是. _____ ______ _____..______ (x)/ ______.._____ (0)
3.佩蒂和佩琪的學校是女校.(____) _______.._____..________(x)/_______.._____..________(0)
______ ___ ___ ______(x)/______(0)_____
4.你們唸的是男女合校嗎? (_____)

____ _____ ____ ___ _______ ______    è    _____ _____ ____ _______ ______