學好英文,啟蒙是關鍵;要救菜英文,須從根救起。 想把基礎英文教好,認真地如實去實踐,三年必定有成。 經歷三十年,學生資質程度各異,反覆精進修正,吾道一以貫之,請放空成見,從頭學起,從頭教起,造福自己,嘉惠後學,自利利他,福慧雙修。
2015年11月30日 星期一
國一(上)二段考複習 25-15 ans
國一(上)二段考複習 25-15
1.我們是表兄妹,不是同窗. We’re cousins ,aren’t(x)/,not(0)classmates.
3.凱倫是工程師,不是魔術師. Karen’s an engineer ,isn’t(x)/,not(0)a magician.
4.莎莉的,莎拉的表哥都是醫生. Sally’s and Sara’s cousins are doctors.
5.博迪和藍迪的叔叔是郵差. Birdy and Rsndy’s uncle’s a mailman/mail..carrier.
Are these
paper clips
Are Benny’s and Danny’s neighbors
8.路易士的太陽眼鏡很酷嗎? Is(x)/ Are(0)Louie’s sunglasses cool?
9.珍妮芙的衣服很漂亮. Jennifer’s clothes is(x)/are(0)pretty/beautiful.
10.你們是哪裡人? Where are you from? = Where do you come from?
我們是德國人. We
from German(x)/Germany.(0) (德國)
= We
are Germen(x)/ Germans.(0) (德國人)(pl.)
She’s a Korea(x)/Korean(0),not a Japan(x)/Japanese.(0)
12.他們是日本人,不是華人. They’re Japanese ,not
13.小強的表姊是”美人”, 我的也是. /,但他們的不是.
Little Jonny’s cousin’s an America(x)American(0)
,and my(x)/mine(0)is ,too.
/ ,but
theirs aren’t.(x)/isn’t.(0)
15.A: (我)很抱歉. (I’m) Sorry. B:沒關係. That’s all..right/ OK.(okay)
16.A:十分感謝. Thank(V.)you very much. = Thanks (N=pl.)a lot.
B:不用客氣. (You’re)Welcome.
17.狄郎,你好嗎? 我不太舒服.How are you,Delan?
I’m not good(x)/well.(0)
18.狄郎好嗎?他很好,多謝. How’s Delan? He's fine/ well. Thank.(x)/ Thanks.(0)
19.你們唸同班嗎? Are you in a(x)/the(0)same classes(x)/class?(0)
20.我們唸不同校. We’re in the different school(x)/schools.(0)
21.艾倫不是也在線上嗎? Isn’t..Ellen/Is..Ellen..not on-line
,too(x)/,either?(0) 對呀,她也在. Yes, she’s/she..is ,either(x)/,too.(0)
22.這是吳老師的來信嗎? Is this a letter from Mr./Ms./Miss Wu?
Iris’/Iris..is an eight-years-old(x)/eight-year-old(0)girl..student/school..girl.
24.你家人好嗎? (肯詳答) How’s your family? They’re all fine/ well.
25.她是我的家人. She’s my family.
26.我們都是一家人. We’re a family.
27.他們是個快樂的家庭(一家人). They’re a happy family.
28.你是誰呀? 我是妮娜. (電話上) Who are..you(x)/is..this?(0)
29.你們是夫妻嗎? Are
you husband
and wife?
Class, please
listen to
me.(0) Please
listen to
me, class.(0)
Class, listen
to me,
please.(0) Listen
to me,
please, class.(x)
31.蘿絲今年12歲,不是13歲. Rose’s twelve(years old) ,not
Today’s/Today..is Julie’s twelve(x)/twelfth(12th)(0)birthday.
This is
a mechanical
pencil ,not
a ball-point
34.那些是紙袋,不是盒子.The(x)/Those(0)are paper bags ,not boxes.
將下列句子: 單數(sing.)<===>複數(pl.)
1. Who
are the policemen? Who is the policemen(x)/policeman?(0)
2. What’s this? What are these?
3. Where
are you from? Where are you from?
4. Where’s his friend? Where are their friends?
5. Those
are erasers. That..is/That’s an eraser.
6. Their
shorts(短褲)are short. His/Her short(x)/shorts(0)are short.
7. Our
shoes are small. My shoe(x)/shoes(0)are small.
8. The
fat boy’s my cousin. The/These/Those fat boys are our cousins.
9. How’s your grandpa? How are your grandpas?
10.Are they nurses? Is he/she a nurse?
11.Those are English comic
books. That’s an English comic book.
12.Are you businessmen? Are you a businessmen(x)/businessman?(0)
13.Our pants are ugly. My pant(x)/pants(0)are ugly.
14.There’s a mouse behind you. There are mouses(x)/mice(0)behind
15.Their ears are big. His/Her ear(x)/ears(0)are big.
16.There’s a child from the US. There
are(some)children from
the US.
17.Their teeth are pretty. His/Her tooth(x)/teeth(0)are pretty.
18.Where are our scissors? Where is(x)/are(0) my scissor(x)/scissors?(0)
19.Wash your hands,please. Wash your hand(x)/hands(0),please.
20.Close your right(右邊的)eye.
Close your
right eyes(x)/eye.(0)
國一(上)二段考複習 25-15
國一(上)二段考複習 25-15
______ ________ _______(x)/ ______(0)_____________
2.凱莉是歌手,也是廚師. _______ __ _______ ____ __ _____
3.凱倫是工程師,不是魔術師. ________ ___ _________ ______(x)/ _____(0)___ _________
4.莎莉的,莎拉的表哥都是醫生. ______ ____ ______ ________ ____
5.博迪和藍迪的叔叔是郵差. ______ ____ _______ ________ ___ _________/_____.. _______
____ ______ ______ _____ ____.._________/_____
____ _______ ____ ________ ___________
8.路易士的太陽眼鏡很酷嗎? ___(x)/_____(0)_______ _____________ _____
9.珍妮芙的衣服很漂亮. ___________ ________ ___(x)/_____(0)_________/___________
10.你們是哪裡人? _______ ____ _____ ______ =
_______ ____ _____ ______ ______
____ _____/_______ ______ ___________(x)/_____________(0)( )
= ____ _____
___________(x)/_____________(0)( )( )
______ ___ ______(x)/________(0) _____ ___ ________(x)/___________(0)
12.他們是日本人,不是華人. ________ ____________ _____
13.小強的表姊是”美人”, 我的也是./ ,但他們的不是.
_______ __________ __________ ____ __________(x)____________(0)
_____ ____(x)/______(0)___ _____ / _____ _______ ________(x)/______(0)
14.那是花,不是垃圾. _______ ___ _________ _____ ___
_________ ( )
15.A: (我)很抱歉. (____)________ B:沒關係. _______
____.._______/____ (_____)
16.A:十分感謝. _______(__)_____ ______ ______
= _________(___=____)___
B:不用客氣. (________)___________
17.狄郎,你好嗎? 我不太舒服._____
____ _____ ______ ____ ____ _____(x)/______(0)
______ _____ _____/_____ _______(x)/________(0)
19.你們唸同班嗎? _____ _____ ___ ___(x)/_____(0)_______ __________(x)/________(0)
20.我們唸不同校. ______ ___ _____ ___________ ________(x)/__________(0)
21.艾倫不是也在線上嗎? ______.._______/___.._______..____ ________ ____(x)/________(0)對呀,她也在. _____ ______/_____..____ _________(x)/_____(0)
22.這是吳老師的來信嗎? ___ _____ ___ ________ ______ ____/____/______ ____
_____/____..___ ___ ______________(x)/______________(0)____..________/________..____
24.你家人好嗎? (肯詳答) ______ ______ ________ _______ ____ _____/______
25.她是我的家人. ______ ____ ________
26.我們都是一家人. ______ ___ ________
27.他們是個快樂的家庭(一家人). ________ ___ _______ ________
28.你是誰呀? 我是妮娜. (電話上) _____ _____..______(x)/____.._______(0)
29.你們是夫妻嗎? _____ _____ __________
_____ ______
_______ ________
_______ ___ ____(0) ________
________ ___ ____ ________(0)
________ _______
___ ____ ________(0) ________ ___
____ _________ _______(x)
31.蘿絲今年12歲,不是13歲. ________ _________(_______ ____)_____ __________
________ _________(x)/__________(_____)(0)___________
33.這是自動鉛筆,不是原子筆. ( )
_____ ___ ___ ______________ _______ _____ ___ ____________ ____
34.那些是紙袋,不是盒子._____(x)/_______(0)_____ ________
_______ _____ _______
將下列句子: 單數(sing.)<===>複數(pl.)
1. Who
are the ploicemen? ______ _____
2. What’s this? _______
_____ ________
3. Where
are you from? _______ _____ _____ ______
4. Where’s his friend?
_______ _____ ______ _________
5. Those
are erasers. _______..___/________ ____ _________
6. Their
shorts(______)are short. _____/______ ______(x)/_______(0)_____ _______
7. Our
shoes are small. _____ ______(x)/________(0)_____ _______
8. The
fat boy’s my cousin.
_____/_______/_______ _____ ______ _____ _____ _________
9. How’s your grandpa?
______ _____ ______ ___________
10.Are they nurses? ___ ____/_____ ___ ________
11.Those are English comic
books. ________ ____ __________ _______ ______
12.Are you businessmen? _____
_____ ___ ________________(x)/_________________(0)
13.Our pants are ugly. _____
______(x)/________(0)_____ ______
14.There’s a mouse behind you. _______ ____ __________
(x)/______(0)_________ _____
15.Their ears are big.
_____/______ _____(x)/_______(0)_____ _____
16.There’s a child from the US. _______ ____ (______)___________
______ ____ ____
17.Their teeth are pretty.
_____/______ ________(x)/________(0)_____ _________
18.Where are our scissors?
_______ ___(x)/_____(0)_____ _________(x)/___________(0)
19.Wash your hands,please.
_______ _______ _______(x)/_________(0)_________
20.Close your right(________)
eye. ________ ______ _______ ______(x)/_____(0)
2015年11月29日 星期日
國三(上)文法 22-14 ans
國三(上)文法 22-14
** 複習:名詞子句(noun
1.以that開頭的n.cl. 2.以疑問詞(wh-)開頭的n.cl. 3.以whether/if(表示是否)開頭的n.cl.
以whether/if引導的名詞子句(n.cl.),都有是否的意思,但if不能和or not連用,
而or not與whether連用時,可置於whether的後面或句尾; or
*** 下列幾種情形,不能用if代替whether
*** 名詞子句(4-4) ***
whether toV.的不定詞片語(不定片),或稱為名詞片語(n.phr.),但不能用if代替whether.
例1.我們還沒決定要留下或走人. We have not decided<Vt.>
whether we should stay(or not/leave). è whether to stay(or not/leave).
例2.哈利猶豫要不要約會莎莉. Harry is hesitating<Vt.>
whether he can date Sally(or not). è whether to date Sally(or not).
** if做如果解釋時,引導的子句是用來表示條件,故稱為條件子句,屬於副詞性質,
例1.如果克拉克待會而進來[條件句],告訴他我在等他回叩[n.cl.]. [If<如果>Clark<S.=單三>
will..come(x)/comes(0)in later],tell him[(that)I’m waiting for his call.]
[If<如果>Daniel<S.=單三>will..pass(x)/passes(0)the math test this time]
,we will..give(0)/give(x)him a big hand.
例3. 如果下週末天氣變壞[條件句],瑪莉就不去露營了. Mary won’t..go(0)/doesn’t..go(x)
camping[if<假如>the weather<單三>will..get(x)/gets(0)worse
next weekend.]
比較:1.你猜李小姐會和她的網友分手嗎[n.cl.=O.]? (會不會和她的網友分手? ) Do you guess<Vt.>
[whether/if<是否>Miss Li<S.=單三>will..break(0)/breaks(x)up with her Net pal]?
[Whether(0)/If(x)Miss Li will..break(x)/breaks(0)up with her boyfriend]
<n.cl.=S.>depends<Vi.>on the third person.
too+ 形/副(for sb.)+toV.= not+
形/副enough(for sb.)+toV.,表示太…,而 不能…
例1.山姆太胖了而無法跳高. Sam is too..heavy<形>to do the high jump.
èSam is not..thin<形>..enough<副>[to do the high jump]<不定片=副修飾enough>
èSam<S.>is<V.>so..heavy<形>..that<連>he<S´.>can’t do<V´.>the high jump.
例2.湯姆太睏了而張不開眼. Tom was too..sleepy<形>[to open his eyes].<不定片=副>
èTom<S.>was<V.>so..sleepy<形>..that<連>he<S´.>couldn’t open<V´.>his eyes.
例3.你還太小,不能抽煙喝酒.You are too..young<形>[to smoke or drink].<不定片=副>
è You are not..old<形>..enough<副>[to smoke or drink].<不定片=副修飾enough>
è You<S.>are<V.>so..young<形>..that<連>you<S´.>can’t smoke<V´.>or drink <V´.>
èThe rock<S.>is<V.>so..big<形>..[that<連>I<S´.>can’t move<V´.>it].<副子句修飾so>
èThe river<S.>is<V.>so..dangerous..[that<連>people<S´.>can’t cross<V´.>it].<副子句修飾so>
例6.我太窮了,買不起iPhone.I am too..poor<形>[to buy an iPhone].<不定片=副修飾too>
èI<S.>am<V.>so..poor..[that<連>I<S´.>can’t buy<V´.>an iPhone].<不定片=副修飾so>
例7.那老外講話太快,我聽不懂.That foreigner spoke
too..fast<副>for me to catch her.
èThat foreigner spoke
so..fast..[that<連>I<S´.>can’t catch<V´.>her].<副子句修飾so>
比較: 1.闖紅燈太危險了.To ..run<toV.=N.=S.=真主詞>/
Running<動名=N.=真主詞>through a
red light is too dangerous.
èIt<虛主詞>is too dangerous
to..run<toV.=N.=真主詞>/ runnimg<動名=N.=真主詞>through a red light.
2.這麼冷的天氣要早起真的很難. To ..get<toV.=N.=S.=真主詞>/
early in this cold weather
is too
hard. èIt<虛主詞>is too hard
to ..get<toV.=N.=S.=真主詞>/gettimg<動名=N.=真主詞>up early in this cold weather.
so(副)+ 形/副+ [that+S.+V.]<副詞子句修飾so>
so(副)+ 形+ a/an+ 單名+ [that+S.+V.]<副詞子句修飾so>
such(形)+ a/an+ 形+ 單名+ [that+S.+V.]<副詞子句修飾such>
such(形)+ 形+ pl./ 不可數N.+ [that+S.+V.]<副詞子句修飾such>
The sea water was so..<副>..clear..<形>..that we could see all kinds of fish.
例2.那飛碟移動得真快,以至於看不清楚.That UFO moved too fast to see clearly.
èThat UFO moved so..<副>..fast..<副>..that people couldn’t see it clearly.
例3.凱茜(單名)是很好的科學家,我們都想認識她. Cathy<S.>is<V.>so<副>..nice<形>..a /
such<形>..a..nice<形>scientist that<連>we<S´.>all like<V´.>to know her.
are so(x)/such(0)mean guys that we
dislike them. 例5.天氣(不可數N.)太棒了,很多人去台北國際花博. It
was so(x)/such(0) great weather
that many
people went
to Taipei
Int’l Flora Expo.